What do people think about setting up some sort of BYC "egg swap"

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14 Years
Apr 28, 2007
rochester ny
I was checking out eggbid for the next breed to try and hatch (yes i know this is a disease!LOL) when i thought -> most everyone on BYC has chickens, many with roosters, many cool breeds, many with even SQ birds ( not that i ever anticipate showing my birds although my son has a bee in his bonnet about taking JJ's silkies to the county fair next year!), and many with hatching eggs. Maybe if anyone is interested we could set up a thread/area on the forum JUST for the trading of fertile eggs. We could find out that way what everyone has, who is closest to who, and probably less eggs would be wasted that could otherwise be hatched. Im quite certain that this way we could all end up with better quality eggs from people we "know" and trust from BYC and would have the ability to quickly look using the search function for exactly what we are after.

Just a thought.

What do you guys think?
I think it's a great idea!

Not only could people trade to get new breeds, they can trade the same breeds to keep their bloodlines from becoming too inbred.

I guess this can already be done in the "Buy~Sell~Trade~Giveaway" section here. For example: "Will trade silkie eggs for seabright eggs" or "Will swap silkie eggs."
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Sounds great, I would definately be interested. Only one question - I've never shipped eggs. How do they need to be packaged and what kind of success rate do you usually have on hatching out shipped eggs?
dont get me wrong my birds are not laying yet either. Its just a thought to have an egg trade/sale section more easily/readily accessible. I would certainly be up for it when my birds start laying in a few weeks. I will have salmon favs, RIR, and SS hamburgs as well as a bunch of mutt eggs probably.
Yeah it would be a good Idea. Instead of geting sick eating all my barred rick eggs I can sell them. Just wish my fiancee would let me get more chickies
My silkies are nowhere near laying either- in fact, most of them are still eggs themselves!

Probably wouldn't have any ready until next spring at the earliest. Looks like there's at least two people just in this thread who would like to swap silkies... Aran, I have some silkies from JJ too (those are the eggs I have in the 'bator) so it wouldn't do us much good to swap those, but I have a nice blue/splash pair that I got from a local breeder, as well as a 2-3 month old pair of whites that I got from the local feed store that are turning out suprisingly nice.

BTW Inuyashalover21, I love Inuyasha too!!!
I think its a great Idea:D I have frizzled polish and silkies my turkeys have stopped laying tho:/
well so it sounds like it might be a go in the next few months when everyones birds are up to speed then! I dont know how this would be done logistically but hopefully it might facilitate less inbreeding and more ppl getting a few different breeds. Imagine how cool it would be to have 2-3 birds of several different breeds all hatching/growing up together...our flocks would look awesome!
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