What do you collect?

I collect books, medieval or old weapons, chickens
, dragons, neat pictures from magazines, . . .
I started collecting cages... If I see one in the trash I just have to turn around and pick it up. If I see one in a garage sale for under $5.... in the car it goes....
I have stopped for now, but have a really nice Clown collection, but after reading ITT and watching the movie, that cooked that.
Angels, love them. Have some really pretty ones.
Books, I do love a good mystery.
I like the signs that say nice things . . .and have one that says "ain't nobody gonna see the wizard, not now or nohow" or whatever Rip Taylor says in the movie . . .
Silk flowers, because I make a lot of floral arrangements for my mom and dad's grave and grandparents.
Glass Chicken-on-Nest dishes.

I don't have a lot...maybe 12. One frosted green belonged to my husband's grandmother (his grandmother was born in the late 1800's).

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