What do you do with a hen who is done laying?


9 Years
Jul 23, 2010
Brookline, NH
This may seem like a silly question, but what do you do with a laying hen after she doesn't produce eggs anymore? Is a mature heritage breed still good to eat?
wow I've never had a hen stop laying...All mine get killed by predators, natural causes (illness and old age, etc), drowning (usually chicks X_x), and accidents (me - lol)
I've had a hen who was 9 yrs old who still layed 4 eggs a week (RIR) and my friend has a hen currently who is 12ish and lays 5-6 eggs a week (Leghorn/BR cross(guess) )

I guess you could eat - but aged meat is usually much tougher and less ability to absorb/hold moisture when cooking in my experience. If anything use them for soup/stew
Wow, I was under the impression hens only laid for a few years. Or that's what I have been told. It suddenly dawned on my that we would have to do something with the retired ladies, but I wasn't sure what....build a hen retirement home or something.
I know this is a chicken board and everyone has different opinions but could you really eat something that you have had for years?? I could not do it but I guess to each his/her own.. I VOTE on retirement home...

I have 2 now that are not laying due to their age and I think we will have to cull to make space for new stock. It is sad but we can't afford to feed a bird that does not produce. My daughter is not happy with that but I'm afraid it is something she will have to get used to. I would not eat either of them though as they will be tough.
That's why you marinate and then slow cook in a crock pot.

These old birds, that are actually old and have some years in them, make the very, very best chicken broth - the meat is full of rich flavor that only comes with age (like a fine wine)! The meat is great for soup or pot pies.

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