What do you do with all your eggs?!

Here is a great Banana Bread Recipe from my Williams-Sonoma Cookbook. One of the key ingredients that I like is the fresh ground nutmeg from whole nuts. I double the nutmeg in mine and call it banana nutmeg bread. I also put pecans instead of walnuts in mine.
Thank you! I'll definitely be trying it.
When my chickens were in full production mode I was using eggs as something of a meat substitute. And I don't eat breakfast, though I don't mind breakfast food at dinner. So instead of having meat as a main course we had egg salad, deviled eggs, "baked omelets", bread boats/bowls with various egg and cheese fillings, savory bread pudding, breakfast inspired hashes and casseroles, migas... Plus I fed them to my dogs whenever they had upset tummies.

My in-laws go through 3-5 eggs a day. They're moving closer to us. It's a good excuse for me to think about getting more chickens!
My chicks are still, well, chicks, so haven't got any eggs, but one of my favorite things to do with extra eggs is quiche. I crack 18 or so eggs into a gallon ziplock bag, pour in a couple cups of cream or half & half, add some salt & pepper, maybe some parsley and garlic, squish it all together to scramble the eggs, then lay it flat on a cookie sheet and freeze. When I want to make quiche, I thaw the egg mix, put cut up cheese & ham or spam, maybe some chopped spinach, or some onion, or mushrooms, or all the above, in a greased 13x9 pan, pour the egg over all, and bake for an hour or so at about 325f. Yummy!
My wife always insists I wash my hands after picking up a raw one. I don't know does anyone have a link to the best husbandry practices? I just can't believe they are some huge disease vector(eggs).

I'm a (selective) germaphobe so I wash my hands after handling any egg or egg carton. I also don't put eggs down on any surface unless it's something that's going to be tossed, washed, or can be disinfected, like a stainless steel prep table.
I sold a dozen eggs at work today for 3.00, YAY!!! That felt great because for 2 years I have been giving eggs away to family, friends and complete strangers.
If I keep this up, I could make 50.00 a month with a few eggs for myself. Not bad!
The extra money will go back into my next feed purchase.
I might frame that 3.00 as my first profit from my new business.
Can't believe anybody throws away their eggs! :thMaybe you should reduce your flock. Where I live the egg production goes way down in the winter. I have six 1yo hens that I added to my older flock of 6 hens (now 12, of course) in December, so that they could be warm this winter. A "little bird" told me that this was gonna be a deep freeze winter and it has been. The younger birds have been laying off and on all winter. Now I am getting 3-4 eggs/day. I use them, I give a dozen at a time to my DD's, who live 10 minutes up the road. I have a waiting list of friends who want them when the weather is better. I ask them to periodically buy me layer feed to help with the costs. Easter is coming up and we HB 2 dozen eggs and bring 1/2 to the church pot luck, along with 18 (halved) deviled eggs, so I need to start saving up soon to have enough. After Easter, I call my friends when I have an extra dozen to share.
We pickle them, my son and husband will eat a dozen deviled eggs in a day when I make them, my brownie recipe uses 4 eggs, breakfast burritos, crustless quiche, flourless cake, egg nog, pasta carbonara, bacon and egg salad sandwiches. We hard boil for the girls and dog too. Any extra after my kids and parents take what they want go to my neighbor or we trade for fruit/veggies.
Hi everyone!

I have only THREE hens, which are just about to lay (one started six days ago), but I know many of you have a dozen, two dozen, maybe more, hens!

And it got me to thinking. Do you sell your eggs? Give them to family? Just eat a LOT of eggs?! Maybe some of your hens are senior citizens and don't lay anymore.

So, I'm interested to know, what do you do with all your eggs?
I have 12 hens and never throw away. If shells are dirty I wash and use right away. I keep my daughter supplied and if I have extras the neighbors get them. No customers yet but if anyone asks for them, I'll sell rather than give away. I steam (hard boil) for quick breakfasts and for the dogs, & I make lots of noodles for the family. A pasta extruder is my most used gadget! Right now I'm getting 4-8 a day in the Pacific Nortwest where days are still short in February and have 1 & 2 year old hens.

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