What do you have in your flock?

I have 4 Buff Orpingtons. They are 2 and a half months old. This is my first time doing anything with birds so I'm learning a lot. I strongly suspect two of them being roosters so they have to go. I'm prefer to give them away or more ideally trade them for similarly aged hens. I will kill them if I have to but I'd rather they just go away safely! I don't know how to do that. Anyone in Utah want 2 healthy Buff Orpington roosters?
More than one of each, but here are the breeds

Lavender Orpington
Olive egger
Black maran
black copper maran
French blue maran
Light sussex
Speckled sussex

And three RIR Ameracuna cross

All as nutty as loons.
We only have 7 birds (1 rooster and 6 hens). They are comprised of Barred Rock, White Leghorns, black Australorp (hen and rooster), and Silkies.

I know some people only raise one breed of chickens and some people have a rainbow flock. Just wondering what everyone has.

We have

Barred rocks
Buff rocks
White leghorns
Blue andalusions
I would LOVE a Welsummer rooster!But that is on the back burner. I love my BO's, too! They are super sweet and lovey. One actually turned out to be a rooster (there went my big plans to name them after the Golden Girls), and even HE is super sweet. Turned out to be my favorite. They moved into their coop last night and I swear I have separation anxiety! I miss my Stanley Roosterface so bad. We had a ritual every evening where he'd sit in my lap on the front porch while I bragged about him and the girls on instagram. #nerd
I'm jealous! I would rather my Orpington was the roo than my Sussex. Think my chances of having a sweet rooster would be better. But I do love my Coraline. Everything I've read about Orpingtons being gentle is on the mark with her.
I'm buying these from a lady in my town and she says there old English but doesn't know what type can anyone help
I have
8 Bielefelders
3 cream legbars
5 Frizzled Cochins
7 Smooth Cochins
7 Smooth Cochins (eggs in incubator)
12+ Cream legbars (eggs my husband doesn't know about) will get next week.

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