What do you have in your flock?

All chickens, thinking about getting 2 ducks though, but here:

Americana, Really friendly and cute, great birds.
Australorp,Big and great egg layers, like to sit.
Bantam, Really small, friendly, awesome birds.
Black Sexlink, Intelligent, pretty average egg layers.
Buff Orpington, Extremely intelligent, great egg layers, probably one of the top 3 breeds.
Golden Sexlink, Just an average bird really.
Plymouth Rock, Friendly, and fast, great egg layers.
Rhode Island Red, Live a long time, good egg layers, intelligent, good breed for when you have children.
Wyandotte, Big some are intelligent, roosters are kind of broody, but they protect the flock.
Here is some pictures: Arrow my handsome Americana. really nice.

Buffy the buff Orpington, really intelligent, very curious,

and now for the cutest chicken ever (my opinion):

Hen Solo, really funny and cute.
8 Red sex-linked
5 Easter Eggers, one I believe could be a true Ameracauna
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes
1 Australorp
2 Speckled Sussex
4 White Leghorns
1 silkie
I currently have:

Americana/Easter Eggers: 1 Rooster, 6 hens, 4 pullets(12wks old[1 Favacana, 1 BO mix]), 4 pullets(2wks old) =15
Buff Orpingtons: 2 hens
Barred Hollands: 4 hens
Buff Minorcas: 4 hens (white egg laying machines!)
Salmon Faverolles: 1 Rooster, 3 hens, 4 pullets(2wks old) = 8
Cuckoo Marans: 4 hens
Black Copper Marans: 1 cockerel(2wks old), 3 pullets(2wks old) = 4
Blue Andalusians: 4 pulllets(2wks old)
Rhode Island Reds: 1 cockerel(2wks old), 4 pullets(2wks old) = 5
Barred Rocks: 1 cockerel(2wks old), 4 pullets(2wks old) = 5
Blue Silkies: 3 ???

So my chicken obsession has me at 58 birds at the moment.
1 buff orpington
2 australorps
1 partridge rock
2 new hampshire reds

I like that you well-matched up the temperaments of the breeds you have. So often owners throw timid breeds like Polish, Silkies, EEs, or Ameraucanas into their layer flock and some bullying occurs. Your breeds are equally matched to stand up to each other if necessary during flock politics. Nice. In our very small cottage yard we can't get away with mixing timid or smaller breeds with heavier aggressive dual purpose breeds.
Right now I have,

Two batches of cluck hatched mutts and their mutt dad and one, seven year old, silver dutch bantam.

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