What do you have in your flock?


This is my bantam araucana who is the friendliest little thing ever. Love her :)
and then there is this sassy fluffy rooster who obviously has never seen his reflection because he thinks he is one tough dude ;)
I just started raising BYC for egg production this January and I have the following

1 Speckled Sussex
2 Barred Rocks
3 Rhodebars
1 Rhodebar rooster for future folks I can hatch out

The first 2 breeds are 5 months old and have been laying steady for the last week. The Rhodebars I got 3 months ago so no eggs yet but hopefully I'll be getting 4-6 eggs a day during peak times and once they are all laying.
I have.....

10 EE's

1 Australorp
6 Buff Orpingtons

1 Barred Rock

2 Production reds (cinna queens?)
1 Gold laced wyandotte
1 Columbian Plymouth Rock

2 Blue Ameracauna

2 Chocolate Orpingtons

1 Light Brahma
2 Olive Eggers
2 Black copper maran
1 Blue Copper maran
2 Turken

1 Choc Barr mix (looks like barred rock cept choc not black/white)
1 Wyandotte mix (blue)

1 Wyandotte Mix
Roo (BlueGene)

I also have 34 ducklings= 10 mixed (grey runner, saxony, pekin), 15 ancona, 9 muscovy. 4 rabbits= 1 Flemish Giant, 1 mini rex, 1 English Spot, 1 mix. Mini pig, 2 cats, 5 dogs
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I have:
easter eggers
new hampshires
rhode island reds
buff orps
barred rocks

I also have
bourbon reds
royal palms

black east indies
khaki campbells
welsh harlequins

and I just got two goslings...that I didn't order....
Currently I have

4 EEs
1 Silkie/RIR cross (pullet, but she's the biggest bird in the flock)
1 Egyptian Fayoumi
A fox got into the coop a few weeks back and took 20 birds. These six are the only ones that were left.

Then the little ones (range from 4-6 weeks old)
2 Black Marans
2 Catalanas
2 Buff Orpingtons
2 Buckeyes

And the separate flock of 12 Seramas, ranging from 5 days to 6 weeks old.
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I have lots of silkies, cochins (bantam), sizzles, sultans, polish, easter eggers, and a few other mixed breeds.
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I have only started in January, but here goes my crew:

4 Barred Rocks
4 Golden Campines
1 Lavender Orpington
1 White Rock
1 Buff Rock
1 Black Astralorp
We have:
6 leghorns
4 silkies
1 silver pheonix
1 silver spangled hamburg
2 Rhode Island reds
4 super mixed breeds
1 polish
1 polish/silkie
1 Cornish
1 buff Cochin
And 2 ducks!

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