What do you have in your flock?


I call my little flock a "flick." I have a Buff Orpington, Welsummer, and I have no clue what our third little gal is. I got the Orpington and Welsummer from a breeder, but our mystery hen is from the local feed store. She was our original chick along with a lovely Barred Rock named Eileen. It turned out that Eileen was an Ike, so we found him a farm to live on. Our little black chick was left all alone, so we got her these two new friends ASAP. After only a day, they are all best buddies. She is friendly, a ferocious forager, and no distinguishing marks. She is all black with a hint of a white line down her belly. Any ideas?

They all moved into the coop three days ago and I've been sitting in my yard watching them be goofy for hours at a time. They have been wary of me and then yesterday evening, they all jumped in my lap for a pet. I'm new to having chickens, but it has been so much fun so far!
I have...

15 red sex links
2 lavender orpingtons
5 gold sex links (pullets, so im 90% sure)
5 buff brahmas
5 leghorns
2 black australorps

And a few others... but i don't remember ;) and i have 12 ducks
I have added to my flock

2 buff orpingtons
3 rhode island red
6 white leghorns
1 black sex link
4 easter eggers
2 plymouth barred rock
2 gold laced wyandottes
3 barnvelders

1 blue ameraucana
1 plymouth barred rock
1 buff orpington

4 straight run california whites

5 straight run barnyard mix

30 eggs in the incubator
We've got
6 black austrolorps (5wk old)
5 golden comets (1 2 wk 4 5wk olds)
4 buff orpingtons (2 5 wk Olds 2 2 wk)
3 Aracauna (5 wk today)
1 black marans (5 wk)
1 1 golden laced wyandotte (2 wk old)
Only one ever almost lost is the wyandotte last week, but nursed her back and she's great)
I wish I could get another bunch but hubby put foot down on that this yr.
Here at Sunshine Acre we have an Easter Egger, Blue Splash Maran, Buff Orpington, Plymouth Rock and Light Brahma hens and Blue Favacuana, White Rock and Austrolorp pullets. Our Blue Splash Maran is our favorite! Here is a pic of some of the hens finishing off a bowl of our mealworms.

Here at Sunshine Acre we have an Easter Egger, Blue Splash Maran, Buff Orpington, Plymouth Rock and Light Brahma hens and Blue Favacuana, White Rock and Austrolorp pullets. Our Blue Splash Maran is our favorite! Here is a pic of some of the hens finishing off a bowl of our mealworms.


Beautiful girls! Which one is the one between the buff and barred rock?
This is a fun thread! I love my colorful flock. I have:

1 naked neck
1 rose combed brown leghorn
1 speckled sussex
2 golden campines
1 silver laced wyandotte
2 silver spangled hamburgs
3 buff minorcas
1 black minorca
1 light brahma
1 partridge rock
1 blue andalusian rooster (he was supposed to be a she)
1 silver spangled hamburg rooster

The naked neck, andalusian, and campines are the friendliest. The buff minorcas are a bit crazy and flighty, but they brighten up the flock!
That is a Blue Splash Maran - by far, my favorite. Such a friendly, curious personality and beautiful bird. Unfortunately, that friendly and curious personality got her in trouble when two dogs wandered onto our property and brutally attacked her. I had her in my kitchen for two weeks and she was beautifully behaved. It was like she knew we were helping her and she behaved like a lap cat!

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