What do you like to do with your eggs?

We like eggs, but sometimes I am too lazy to make them for breakfast. Last night I mad two quiches which used 10 eggs. I make egg salad for the three of us using about 30 eggs. I am getting about 6 dozen eggs a week right now & trying to use them all or give them away. I give to my father, FIL, FIL's friend who loves to bake & my son & his girlfriend. Trying to keep below 6 dozen in the fridge right now & it is tough! Used to sell to my sister to resell ( selling here doesn't really work), but that isn't happening right now. I really want to make breakfast burritos to freeze, but haven't gotten to it yet. I am making 2 batches of waffles today for the freezer, but that will only use 6 eggs. Never hard boil enough for my 2 guys here at home. Will have to make pickled beet eggs soon!
Egg Salad Quesadillas are like they sound. I put a thin layer of shredded cheese on two tortillas. Turn the broiler on and melt the cheese. Then I add a bunch of egg salad to one, put the other tortilla on top and pop back in the over under the broiler until the top gets a little brown, turn and get the other side a little brown. (it is really quick) Cut into wedges with a pizza cutter. The beauty is that the egg salad is still cold, while the tortillas are very warm/hot.

Most sandwiches can be made using tortillas instead. For example, I use tortillas instead of hot dog bugs because otherwise the bread overwhelms. PB&J requires bread.
"Does anyone have any fool-proof ways to hard boil a fresh egg so peels easily? "

Steam them, dump them in ice bath, immediately start to crack the shells and put back into the ice bath while you crack the rest. When all are cracked, de-shell them. If the eggs are at least 3 days old this works for me. You can find on the internet how to use a pan and colander to steam, but I have an egg cooker. I like that it is foolproof. I usually hard-boil them while bringing in groceries.
I just boil the older eggs. They peel better after they evaporate a little water. Use the float test first, if they "stand" on the bottom of the water, they will peel better! Or, you hatchers could candle them and see that the air cell is bigger. That takes the pressure off of the shell, then peel under running water if you still have some sticking. I age store eggs on the counter for 4-5 days so that they peel smooth when I make pickled eggs. That is why I need to get chickens again! I'm tired of having to get store eggs!
Does anyone have any fool-proof ways to hard boil a fresh egg so peels easily?
I don't have fresh eggs, so I just use store bought eggs, so I don't KNOW if this will work for the fresh ones, but I am pretty sure it will.

Bring the pot of water to a boil, then while it is still on high, I lower my eggs in the water (I use a wire basket that fits in my pot and before heating the water I put all eggs in basket in pot and fill with water to cover eggs), and leave on high for 9-10 minutes (the water stops boiling when the eggs are added and is back up to a simmer or low boil by the end of the cook cycle), at the end of the time, I remove the entire basket and place in a tub of cold water but not ice water (we don't have an ice maker), then I grab each one and crack it while still hot and toss back in the water, once all are cracked, then I start grabbing and peeling them.

There is also a method for easy peeling eggs where you take a Tupperware with a tight fitting lid, add 3 or more eggs that have been cracked fairly well, add some water but not a LOT, enough to slosh but not enough to be covering the eggs, then put the lid on and shake the container hard. The eggs will beat the shells off of each other and the water will get between the egg and shell which makes it easier to remove.
The egg salad is where the "Oooops" boiled eggs go! Smooth ones get pickled at my house.
Generally I make 2 extra eggs than I need pretty hardboiled, if there are micro cracks in the shell you can't see then they kind of explode in the hot water, they still boil ok, but they look WEIRD.... so, usually when I'm peeling if I run into an ugly one, I eat it while it's warm... If they are TOO freaky looking and I don't know why they did weird things, I toss them to the cats.

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