What do you love about chickens?

Honestly everything, but the biggest reason for me is that they get me outside, in the fresh air and sunshine. They have been such a blessing and help so much with my depression.
They make me feel smart based on how dumb they are. :ya
Lmao! Thats rich! I agree tho, lol
Honestly everything, but the biggest reason for me is that they get me outside, in the fresh air and sunshine. They have been such a blessing and help so much with my depression.
I feel that in my soul! Getting chickens and taking care of them and watching them grow and learn and explore every day feels like a huge boost to my serotonin levels... I have dogs, cats, kids, have had reptiles and rodents and other than being a person mom, I love being a chicken mom the most!
We've only been chicken-keeping for a year, and I am shocked how much I love and adore these birds.

So what do you love about chickens (and other barnyard fowl)? What about keeping them brings you joy?

I love seeing all of their personalities come out. They are such funny, quirky creatures. And I just love to watch them do chicken things. Their fluffy butts up in the air when they scratch in the yard is one of my favorites. It's just so relaxing to watch. Whenever I'm feeling low, my husband sends me out for chicken time, and I start to feel better. I swear, they're fluffy, feathered magic. It makes all the money and work well worth it.
I'm on year 3. I still find my flock more entertaining than any of the channels on TV.
I somehow impose story lines on the activities and antics that play out.

Early on, my black cat (David) loved to stalk and chase my hens. He didn't hurt them or catch them, this weird bastard just likes to hear them scream.

During the early days, he was stalking Lucy. Lucy is smart. Like scary smart. She's a Cinnamon Queen and a pig.

So, David is stalking Lucy and Lucy has found a treasure trove of bugs under the slide on the swing set. David is under the impression he is well hidden. Lucy waits for David to get close and pops her head up and gives him side eye. Literally let's him know she can see him.

David, undeterred, scoots around to another angle and creeps up a bit more. Lucy pops her head up, more side eye, 'I can STILL SEE YOU'.

Still undeterred, David adjusts his position. Lucy, annoyed now, pops her head up, administers more side eye and adds some verbal commentary.

David now thinking he has the drop on her is winding up for a pounce. His tail twitching, waving in the air. Butt wiggles, the whole 9 yards...this is happening in 5, 4, 3....

What David failed to notice was that Lucy's commentary summoned Lady. Lady was boss hen. Lady had slowly been creeping up behind David and seconds before he pounced, he exposed his starfish lifting his tail straight up.

Lady let no opportunity pass. She went Beak deep in the ol' poop shoot. David leapt 3 feet in the air if it was an inch. It was David's turn to scream.

I crossed my legs to prevent peeing myself I was laughing so hard. To make that harder than necessary, I swear to God! Lucy popped up with more commentary that sounded surrealistically like she was laughing. With in seconds, the entire flock was cackling with glee.

And THAT is why I enjoy my chooks so much.
They make me happy. They make me laugh!
We went without for about 8 years, and wow, I missed them. So this spring, my Grandson (age 6) and I started hatching. I also bought some too... but I am so glad to have them back, and my Grandson adores them! I have a scissor-beaked Crested Polish that my Grandson named "Blacktop" I have to feed her separately. She follows me everywhere --talking to me she stands on my feet when she wants me to pick her up... I mean, what's not to be happy about! :)
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We've only been chicken-keeping for a year, and I am shocked how much I love and adore these birds.

So what do you love about chickens (and other barnyard fowl)? What about keeping them brings you joy?

I love seeing all of their personalities come out. They are such funny, quirky creatures. And I just love to watch them do chicken things. Their fluffy butts up in the air when they scratch in the yard is one of my favorites. It's just so relaxing to watch. Whenever I'm feeling low, my husband sends me out for chicken time, and I start to feel better. I swear, they're fluffy, feathered magic. It makes all the money and work well worth it.
I agree

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