What do you pay for your organic feed?

We get 40lbs bags of organic soy/corn-free for $27 for the layer and $32 for the grower. Works out to $34 or $40 for 50lbs, respectively. Scratch n Peck brand, out of WA state. Very high quality ingredients, including organic fish meal and probiotics (I believe it's Fertrell Nutribalancer). Azure Standard has it available for sale as well as other organic chicken feeds. I believe it's slightly cheaper via Azure, but we buy it from our local feed store because we like to support the local businesses as much as we can. And Azure only comes once a month in most areas, so you have to plan ahead.
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Right now I am using Nature's Best out of Kreamer PA, because it is pellets & we are going away for a few days at a time more often. We seem to pay more for it right here in PA then people do anywhere else. I think it is the distributor system. I hope to go back to the local soy free mash at $31/80 lbs. I wish I could get Green Mountain here, but no such luck.
Wow that's twice what I pay!! What brand are you using? I pay around 27.00 for 50 pounds of USDA certified organic non soy, non GMO, feed with probotics. It seems most are paying close to that as well. What area do you live in? Are you happy with that price? If not you ought to take a look at the ingredients in the feed I feed . I order mine online and have it shipped to my door. I'm very happy with the quality and ingredients and if you would like to save a little money go online to www.countrysideorganics.com. compare ingredients and see what you think. For 50 pounds of layer I believe the exact price is 27.50. $ you might do a comparison on ingredients and see what you think. The last ingredients listed in my feed is different probotics if you are wondering what they are. My girls really love the feed and they only Mill small amounts at a time so it's insured to be very fresh when it arrives. The ingredients are wholesome and nutritional. With lots of vitamins and nutrients. I've been quite happy with this feed.you can save quite a bit of money if your willing to switch. At least compare and see what you think. That would be a 50% savings every month for you. Can you list a link to the ingredients in your feed? I'm curious and would like to take a look at what's in it and see why it's so expensive. ? Or just give me the name of the feed and I'll compare. That just seems really high to me. I'd like to see what's in it as to why they are charging so much? Thank you kindly
Wow that's twice what I pay!! What brand are you using? I pay around 27.00 for 50 pounds of USDA certified organic non soy, non GMO, feed with probotics. It seems most are paying close to that as well. What area do you live in? Are you happy with that price? If not you ought to take a look at the ingredients in the feed I feed . I order mine online and have it shipped to my door. I'm very happy with the quality and ingredients and if you would like to save a little money go online to www.countrysideorganics.com. compare ingredients and see what you think. For 50 pounds of layer I believe the exact price is 27.50. $ you might do a comparison on ingredients and see what you think. The last ingredients listed in my feed is different probotics if you are wondering what they are. My girls really love the feed and they only Mill small amounts at a time so it's insured to be very fresh when it arrives. The ingredients are wholesome and nutritional. With lots of vitamins and nutrients. I've been quite happy with this feed.you can save quite a bit of money if your willing to switch. At least compare and see what you think. That would be a 50% savings every month for you. Can you list a link to the ingredients in your feed? I'm curious and would like to take a look at what's in it and see why it's so expensive. ? Or just give me the name of the feed and I'll compare. That just seems really high to me. I'd like to see what's in it as to why they are charging so much? Thank you kindly

To me, cost isn't everything. I care for our local economy and climate. Shipping Countryside Organics from East to West coast defeats both of those values. Scratch n Peck is made from local grains (PNW local) and is milled only a 175 miles from where I live. I do hope that Scratch n Peck eventually lowers their price, and I am always thinking of ways to reduce feed cost (fermented feed has helped the most so far) without compromising my values. Mind you, everyone has their price and if I found feed the same quality for $12/50lbs, I would probably buy it and say screw my values.
I've heard great things about that feed. Can you link me to the ingredients? I would love to read about it? As for me I have no choice but to order my organic feed. I don't have the luxury of having a near by mill and our stores don't offer it.
Here is the label from their soy- and corn-free layer feed, 18% protein:



Note that this particular label says 25lbs. I believe they mostly ship that size, but we get it in 40lbs bags from our local feed store.
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Thank you so very much! I see their shipping on their site is ALOT less than I've been paying! I also noticed I can get a 18% layer which I like ALot!! I can only get a 17% with mine plus mine has corn. I ordered my first bag today.! I only got 25 lbs be cause I paid quite a bit this month with shipping on my 50 pound bag of my feed but I'm considering switching all the way around to scratch and peck. Next month I'll order the 50 pounds and see how shipping is on that. I do really like the ingredients and can't wait to give it a try! I was not at all happy going from my 19% grower which they were doing well on to only 17%.I was very happy when I saw scratch and peck had 18%! Thank you so much. Not only does it save me money on shipping but it's also corn free! I really like that. Can't wait till it arrives so I can see what the girls think of it!! Again thank you. I'm going to switch.
Realsis, how much do you pay for shipping? I had Countryside shipped to my home once when we could not get our normal feed. The feed cost itself was quite reasonable, but the cost of shipping made it unsustainable over the long term. Have you looked into Modesto Milling at all? They are based out of California and have a lot of retailers there.

We use Hiland Naturals feed. They are based here in Ohio. We choose to use Non-GMO Soy-free feed primarily, but occasionally use their regular non-GMO feed for some batches of chickens. It is not USDA certified organic, but I am not tied to that label. They do have certified organic feeds, but not in the soy-free. One thing I appreciate about Hiland is that they use a variety of grains in their feeds, so even their feeds that contain soy have a diversity of other ingredients and do not rely as heavily on soy.

Current prices for 50 lbs layer (although I typically use grower all the time rather than layer):

Non-GMO (with soy): $20.60
Non-GMO (non-soy): $32.50
Organic (with soy): $36.50

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