What do you pay for your organic feed?

I was paying 37.00 in shipping!! For a 50 pound bag. The feed itself was 27.50 making my monthly feed total about 64.50 which is outrageous. Thank you for the tip. I just ordered a 25 pound bag of scratch and peck to see if they like it. I'm considering switching to that. The shipping is ALOT less and they offer a 18% layer that is corn AND soy free which is great! I'll definitely keep hiland in mind if this feed does not work out. I compared scratch and peck to countryside and it has a lot of the same ingredients with exception to corn with countryside has and scratch and peck does not. Also scratch and peck offers a higher protien layer which I like. But if for some reason it does not work out I will definitely try the non soy hiland.do they also offer a corn free? Thank you kindly.
I love scratch and peck, it's what we started with but it's not sold anywhere here on the east coast so to have it shipped constantly was too rough. For anyone who orders directly from their website, there's a promo code I think for 10% off. It's "NO GMOS!"
Thank you so very much! I see their shipping on their site is ALOT less than I've been paying! I also noticed I can get a 18% layer which I like ALot!! I can only get a 17% with mine plus mine has corn. I ordered my first bag today.! I only got 25 lbs be cause I paid quite a bit this month with shipping on my 50 pound bag of my feed but I'm considering switching all the way around to scratch and peck. Next month I'll order the 50 pounds and see how shipping is on that. I do really like the ingredients and can't wait to give it a try! I was not at all happy going from my 19% grower which they were doing well on to only 17%.I was very happy when I saw scratch and peck had 18%! Thank you so much. Not only does it save me money on shipping but it's also corn free! I really like that. Can't wait till it arrives so I can see what the girls think of it!! Again thank you. I'm going to switch.

I would contact scratch n peck about the 18% protein. The label is confusing. It says 17% crude protein right underneath where it says 18% protein. Their layer feed has been 17% in the time I have been using it, not sure when they changed to 18%.
They give you a choice during checkout. You can get 17% or 18%. It said they found some breeds do better with a higher protien content, so if you buy online it gives you the choice to buy 17% or 18%. I found this to be great because I wanted a higher content. So I choose the 18%. Hope this helps clear things up.so online they offer two options now during checkout, 17% or 18%.There is a price difference too between the 17% or 18%.
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They give you a choice during checkout. You can get 17% or 18%. It said they found some breeds do better with a higher protien content, so if you buy online it gives you the choice to buy 17% or 18%. I found this to be great because I wanted a higher content. So I choose the 18%. Hope this helps clear things up.so online they offer two options now during checkout, 17% or 18%.There is a price difference too between the 17% or 18%.

Huh, okay, good to know. I did not know there were choices. Our local feed store must not stock all options. In summer, they carry the version that is also corn free and in winter they only carry the versions that have corn, because it is so cold here in winter.

In any case, Scratxh n Peck feeds are of amazing quality! Even their fish meal is superior to most. Most fish meals out there are preserved with ethoxyquin, which is pretty toxic stuff disguised and marketed as an antioxidant. The Menhaden (high omega 3 non-human food fish) fish meal in SnP feeds is preserved with an herbal preservative. I forget the name but will look it up and edit this post.

EDIT: from the SnP site: "In order to adhere to USDA Organic Standards, our Fish Meal is preserved with Naturox, a rosemary herbal base preservative."

Naturox is very expensive, which adds to the cost of the feed. Worth it IMO.
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I thought scratch and peck was soy free??? The main ingredient in naturox is soybean oil.... Conventional soybean oil at that. Our organic certifier will not allow us to use it because Kemin (manufacturer) wouldn't provide a non-GMO statement for it, because it has conventional soybean oil in it.

You should ask Scratch and Peck to switch their fish meal preservative to KN-50ip. It is also made by Kemin, but does not contain soybean oil.

Msds for naturox-

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