What do you think the verdict should be?

Is there any way to do an online test? I know we have a program called D2L that allows the professor to make a timed test that the kids take online. The program allows a certain length of time for each questions so theoretically there is not enough time for them to use notes or the text. Our program even grades it for you.
Fail him. If my son's History professor hadn't failed him last semester, he wouldn't be the incredibly attentive student he is this semester. And History is his major. Sucks, welcome to the real world and adulthood.
Unless you posted a time limit on when they can specify that they need more time for the exam, he was doing exactly what you said for the students to do.
If I understand this correctly, I think she was giving the option of giving more time during the exam itself, not more time before taking it.

You could give him the option of failing (and pulling his GPA down) or give him a Withdrawn Passing grade (if he was passing the class). He would have to take the class over but there would be no reflection on his GPA. I think he was playing you. The comment about you being his "knew favorite person" was a little too condescending.
I think hes using you but you stepped in it by moving the test date. I dont see a way around going on the old test date an let him take it.

Try to remember what they told me day one of collage.

They said something about not teaching high school. That they were paid to be there every day an teach that class on that schedule weather we showed up or not. The were not paid to worry about weather we passed or failed. That we were adults an that was our job at that point in life.

There was no such thing as make up tests an the date of tests never changed. We were there or we weren't.

I had one night that I spent all night out in the woods trying to pull a friends truck out of a pond. At 8am I walked in to class covered from head to toe in Ga red clay. I did my classes for the day then went back to the woods to keep helping. The did hose me an my Jeep down at lunch an make me mop the class too.
I vote for a super hard project over winter break in addition to a short test. Make him wish he had never canceled on that first exam,which was easy compared to what he has to do. After all he has more time to prepare for it!

For future classes I would set a date that kids have to contact you to request a change.
Fail him--completely irresponsible and he knew what he was doine!! most likely trying to get a hold of people who took the exam -so he could pass by studying what they told him to!

was he borderline passing??

If it happened to my DD I wouldn't say anything but-you deserved the failing grade get over it ---oh and your paying to take that class again-better start on the dishes first!

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