What % do you tip when you eat out??

Oh jeez.

We rarely go out to eat, but I always remember my dad tipping maybe only a dollar no matter what the food cost, or nothing at all.

Many times he's given a higher tip depending on how good looking waitress is, which I think is so WRONG to the others; I hope none of you waitresses out there have had to deal with the likes of that.
That's us as well. In some places, IE Europe, it's considered incredibly rude to tip. You're basically saying that you think the owner is a louse who doesn't pay his workers a livable wage. Not an insult to the server (esp. nowadays many expect an American to tip, but not a native, and will get huffy if you don't) they get bonus cash, but for the owner that's a low blow.

But, in the US you have businesses that love the fact that they can get 'lick your boot' service for two bucks an hour, while their neighbor the grocer has to pay the bagboys $7/hr... labor costs are a huge factor in a business anyways, not even counting union issues, so owners that can get away with that cheapo min. wage and put the burden of their labor costs onto their customers love it. The other option of course would be raising prices and just paying a decent wage. Customers wouldn't like that. They'd much rather get the food cheaper and have the choice about whether they pay for the labor or not. The current system is geared to give the best to the owner and the customers... why would either of those groups argue for it to change?

Especially since when customers DO pay a decent amount for labor they often get special attention after that... but even if they don't the server is required (in order to keep their job) to still be decent to the jerks who tip nothing.
Give above and beyond service and nobody has to worry about poor tipping.

NOT TRUE!!! In fact, I've gotten people piping hot pizzas with all their sides and great service in 20 minutes (remember, a 30 minute pizza delivery is considered "good time") and received ZERO tip.

And to those who say to just get a different job --- I was unemployed for almost a year before getting this one. People stay in sucky jobs because it's better than having NO job
^Yup, and the people getting the 8.99 special and not having to chip in for labor are thrilled with it.

I don't know any former servers who tip poorly, just me I'm sure there's some, but mostly those educated about the situation act accordingly. It's the ones that've never been there, have NO clue that servers don't make at least min. wage that through ignorance think that tipping is just a bonus... not your entire pay.

Gotta spread the message. More educated means more acting right. Better yet, have laws on the books like the one I heard of so that even on a crappy shift a server is at least making the same as a bagboy. That is fair to me. Not 17.00/hr or anything, but guaranteeing that your workers get min. wage would ease a lot of minds. Those that only want to provide lame service, they'll get lame pay... but for those that go above, they'll be getting paid above.

That would be an excellent solution... but education would be a big help.
I use to bartend so I know what it is like depending on tips. We we go out I always start at 15% but as the meal goes on the tip changes. The better the sevice the better the tip but if they suck so does the tip.
How I tip depends on a few things...

Service with a SMILE matters to me. Life is short. Be happy.

I'm watching you. Are you busy when you aren't at my table? I
really hate to see employees standing around doing nothing. I'm
watching my server, the bus-boys, the other servers...

So-so service rates a so-so tip.

Outstanding service gets an outstanding tip. I want a clean, neat,
well groomed, polite server. Male or female. For this, I'll gladly leave
a tip equal to the cost of the meal or better.

If I enjoyed the meal, I'll generally tip the cook.

And yes, most the places we go know us by name. I want good service,
and I'm willing to pay very well for what I want.


Just today, this afternoon, it struck me that a certain woman in the hospital
cafeteria has several times fixed me a decent meal at times I'm been there lately.
Life being as it is, I didn't take the time to give her more than a simple thank you.
Things on my mind.

I don't have anyone in the hospital just now. But I went back for the simple reason
of tipping her. Gave her a hundred dollar bill, and told her I really appreciate her being
Tips in my family start at $5 seeing as that is about 20% of every meal we eat, then it goes up or down from there. We get great service nearly everywhere we frequent and always leave a "good" tip.
At a quick lunch with little effort for the waitress, I tip double the tax and round up.

At a dinner with Hubby, with multiple courses, drinks etc. I triple the trip and round up.

Unless the server is unfriendly then...the tip will be much less.

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