What do you use to remove skunk smell of your dog

For sure and certain odor removal use a product called Skunk Off. It takes care of it instantly. If you live in skunk country a couple of bottles should always be on hand. I get mine from the vet, but any large pet store should carry it.
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Hm? Wondering how much pie spice I would use hahaha!....you guys have my sick humour also!......
If it was a cool fall day would you bring your lovely smelling doggie into your house to bath him in the tub or would you put him in the back of the pick up and drive 20 minutes into town and wash him at the doggie wash....as much as i would like to wash him in the regular car wash....hahaha! ....tell me how and wear did you wash them ? I have never experience a skunk squirt.......you guys are the experts...hahaha unfortunatley ......alot of good advice....but i use the free breeze for the regular doggie smell in the house...before company comes of course....merci
Im so glad you posted this question~!
My big dog got skunked 3 times this summer!
I never found anything to get it completly out since his coat is so thick. Great pyr/st. bernard. I shaved his hair off! and then washed him a couple times. Hahaha.
He loved the haircut though!

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