What does "broody" mean?

All of those breeds will may go broody at least occasionally, the Buff Orpingtons are probably most likely to. The Henderson chicken breed chart mentions on average how broody a breed is. If you are looking for birds least likely to go broody, many of the the Mediterranean breeds are non setters, like Leghorns, Minorcas etc, especially commercial egg laying birds whose lines have had the broodyness mostly bred out of them, like the White Leghorns, and most commercial red sex links don't go broody that often... http://www.sagehenfarmlodi.com/chooks/chooks.html
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You can go to the "breeds" forum up at the top and find out about all kind of chicken/poultry. In general they are all quiet unless they are laying an egg and that little announcement only last a min. Roosters on the other hand will and do announce them selves. That's the short answer. All breeds are different.
Another good thing about broodies is that you can buy fertile eggs of any breed you want, and put them under a broody hen. Remove her infertile eggs and replace with the new. If you especially do this at night she won't notice a difference. Some broodies that were just sitting on non fertile eggs can be coaxed to care for day old chicks you buy.
I keep Black Australorps and they are great layers. They don't go broody really easy, but are considered averagely broody. I have one out of 4 that goes broody every summer. She isn't that great of a layer because she does go broody. But Australorps are really sweet birds. They follow me around like drooling puppies and beg to sit on my lap. The wait for me at the gate when they see me coming. Very affectionate breed.
Drumstick Diva,

If a broody hen will accept day old chicks, would that mean they would be instantly a part of the flock and I wouldn't have to worry about integrating them?
Two Crows,

How noisy are Black Austerlop hens? I want to get one, but I keep reading in the comments area they can be noisy. I live in a subdivision and I want my neighbors to be happy, so I am looking for quiet, but sweet hens.
Two Crows,

How noisy are Black Austerlop hens? I want to get one, but I keep reading in the comments area they can be noisy. I live in a subdivision and I want my neighbors to be happy, so I am looking for quiet, but sweet hens.
Mine don't seem to be noisier than any other chicken. Only one of mine talks all day long. She just loves to chatter. But it is not loud at all. The others are pretty quiet and only after laying will they sing the egg song. But all chickens sing the egg song. So over all, I do not think Australorps are any louder than any other breed of hen. Hope this helps. :)
I am considering a small flock of chickens, not roosters. The ones I am most interested in are Buff Orpingtons, Black Austerlops, Plymouth Rock, and Easter Eggers. Do any of these have problems with being broody?

Easter Eggers and Orpingtons get broody for sure, The other 2 breeds probably do to.

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