what exactly is fluffy?

one slick chic

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 14, 2011
lake hopatcong, nj
So this is Little Fluffy...I actually got him from TSC. He was the only one left in his brooder box and I had to have him. Of course they really had no clue what they were talking about because they said he was a comet. Obviously not. So after watching him/her grow and doing some research I said that it must be a silkie. But still doesn't totally look like any of the silkie pics I have seen. Also my husband thinks its a Roo but I am really hoping that's not the case since roos are not an option in our neighborhood. Hasn't crowed yet and is very skittish, he runs away and hides all the time which I am guessing is unusual for this breed. I need opinions, this pic is at about 12 weeks.
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That looks to be on the bad end of hatchery quality silkie. Silkies from hatcheries can be all over on the scale of quality.

Oh... and 12 weeks with a comb like that is a boy.
Yep! Silkie all the way! Sometimes their feathers just don't come out when they are supposed to
here is one of mine


I would say roo, but silkies are the hardest to determine. My boys were pretty skittish and once the "roo" hit they became more brave. Hope for your sake he is a she!!
Looks almost identical to my Silkie hen, tiny crest and all! We just knew she was a cockeral but weren't sure for the longest time. Never made any kind of sound. Then we saw the roo covering her and knew

So we named her "Pat."
Keep the responses coming...what do you mean by the bad end of a hatchery...so do you guys think his or hoefully her legs will feather out? Why would TSC have silkies? I thought their birds were just "mutts". Oh and last question, he is all white with the blue ears, white eggs?
Well, hatchery birds can be inbred, which causes all sorts of issues. His legs will probably never fully feather out. TSC gets birds from a hatchery, so whatever "purebred" birds the hatchery offers are what the TSC gets. They can be single breeds, mixes, bantams, whatever! He is a rooster, he will never lay eggs.

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