What gender am I ?

I rescued two Muscovy mix from our river and a full on Muscovy drake probably their dad. All 3 drakes I’d say being they are a mix they would probably be okay with either but I’d def get at least 3 females. No other drakes. My Muscovy drakes could not live with each other and it was many years of keeping them separated with their own females to keep the fighting from going on. Again just my 2 cents.
Thankfully I haven't had over mating, My Runners are sluts and chase the boys. My Muscovy drake is pretty easy on his girls he has 4. Only one of my Runners looked a little worn last year she is my youngest and just wouldn't leave her drake alone. A few feather missing on her head.
And those iridescent feathers on the wings look JUST like Muscovy. You are lucky! Muscovy hybrids are some of the coolest ducks there are!! They are infertile though so they can never make babies.
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What a gorgeous bird!
She's gorgeous! Can't tell yet. Most drakes still peep at three months while hens start to quack. Whistling is probably male. Give it a few more weeks. But he/she is very striking in appearance.
Thank you so much. She (or he) really is a beautiful creature, makes my day and is just so loving. I’m going to give her the best life possible. I’m looking forward to finding out what she/he is
I feel like I almost hear a slight hiss in his noises. Does he hiss? @Shannlouise

From those noises I am thinking there HAS to be Muscovy influence, some of the huffing noises in the 2nd vid sound pretty Muscovy. Male Muscovy ducks hiss and huff, while females coo and chirp

If I had to guess, I would say you have a beautiful Male Muscovy Hybrid!

Upload a long video if you can!! Just because he is so adorable and I want to see more of him! :love
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