What gender are these chicks?


10 Years
Apr 16, 2014
They are about 4 weeks old. I think one is an easter egger and the other a RIR. Hoping there females.
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Hmmm...that is a lot of comb for 4 weeks for both of them...and rather pink.

I'm leaning towards 2 roosters, sorry.

Hopefully they are just precocious girls...RIR's or Production Reds (which your bird may look closer too...hard to tell in the dark photo) can be that way as they mature quickly, and the roosters get really big red combs fast...so if it stays more peach than red, it can still be a girl.

The other bird doesn't look like an Easter Egger to me...no beard/muff and no green legs, and that is a single comb not a pea comb. I'm not coming up with what it might be other than possible a mixed bird.


Lady of McCamley
Both look like cockerels to me. And I agree with Lady of McCamley that your "easter egger" isn't really an EE.
Hmmm...the darker chick is not looking like a Rhode Island Red. Too much pattern in the feathers. Not sure what it is at this point. Might be a Partridge Rock...if it was a chipmunk as a chick.

The lighter one might be the Production Red...really hard to tell in this in between stage with half juvenile feathers and half down. If it was just a reddish down chick with no chipmunking, then it could be a Production Red.

Post photos in a few weeks after they lose the down and have feathers, then we can tell more as to breed and confirm if they still look to be roosters.

Lady of McCamley
Hmmm...the darker chick is not looking like a Rhode Island Red. Too much pattern in the feathers. Not sure what it is at this point. Might be a Partridge Rock...if it was a chipmunk as a chick.

The lighter one might be the Production Red...really hard to tell in this in between stage with half juvenile feathers and half down. If it was just a reddish down chick with no chipmunking, then it could be a Production Red.

Post photos in a few weeks after they lose the down and have feathers, then we can tell more as to breed and confirm if they still look to be roosters.

Lady of McCamley

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