What gender is my BR?


6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
Hello all,
I am curious about the sex of this little one. We were thinking it was a pullet and I have been hounding this site trying to dig up as much information as possible. I am still stumped and would like some opinions - to me, his/her comb looks quite a bit bigger than my other girls. It is a Barred Rock - about 4 weeks old - VERY sweet little thing. It loves to be held!

Coloration is that of a pullet. But... the reality is that some cockerels "pose" as pullets because of somewhat mixed breeding. What they cannot hide? The red comb and wattles that cockerels sprout at 6-7 weeks. You're close to being past the age of any doubt. If you see no strong, red comb or wattles at 7 weeks? You'll be sure it is a pullet.

Did you get yours as a Pullet? Just wondering. Mine was a rescue, so I had no idea what she/he was till the feathers starting coming, and with her being so much darker, I'm hoping she really is a she. Very friendly chick.
Thank you everyone! It sounds like the coloration indicates that it is a pullet... Here's hoping! We got 4 "sexed" female chicks of differing breeds in the hopes of raising them for pets and eggs... I feel like our BR is developing a much more noticeable comb, considering they are all the same age... Hopefully it is a breed thing. If not, Iris will become Sirus. We live out of city limits, so will probably decide to keep "her" even if it's "him." It is an exceptionally friendly little thing and we love it to bits... VERY clever too! The first one to Houdini its way out of anything. I imagine that with age it will only get smarter. We may have our hands full! I will keep updating and hopefully will be able to determine what we have on our hands! Thanks again for all of the input!
Did you get yours as a Pullet? Just wondering. Mine was a rescue, so I had no idea what she/he was till the feathers starting coming, and with her being so much darker, I'm hoping she really is a she. Very friendly chick.

Yes I did get them as pullets at 3 days old, But they do hang a sign saying 8 out of 10. (odds of pullets). This is at tractor supply.
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