What Gender is my chicken?!? Plez Help!!!


9 Years
Nov 29, 2010
One of my Rode Island Reds hatched out this chicken about 4 months ago. It has gotten huge sence then. The only rooster I have is a Barred Rock. So I guess that means this chicken is half RIR and half Barred Rock. I thought it was a rooster but I am not sure. Also all my other hens pick on it but, the rooster really doesn't.
It is a cockerel, because what you did was create sex-linked birds. (males are barred with slight red tingling in their feathers as shown, females are red and black)
Rooster. It's not a sex-link because you used a Barred Rock roo on a Rhode Island Red hen. If you reversed the cross, and used a RIR roo on a BR hen, then you'd get sex-links.
Thank you everyone! I did not intend to breed them one chicken just sat on some eggs before I got to collect them. Does anyone know why the hens pick on him and not my rooster? I thought my rooster would be mean to him if it was a rooster, but he is not the hens are.
The rooster won't be mean to him until he sees him as a threat. When he is mature they will probably fight to determine who's boss. Hens just seem to be meaner to those chicks who are lower on the pecking order.

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