What GOOD DEED have you done lately???


I like this, people who think about other people, whether be a woodstove to heat a cold house, or a car to help a young mother out....people like you are the salt of the Earth...we need more people who do well by others :)
We do the same, but find an elderly person or couple. Wanted to add that the last week when my dh was in uniform 4 people came up to him to thank him for his service! It makes all the time we spent apart a little bit easier knowing people recognize the sacrifices he makes. So don't forget a kind word also!

I head up a scout group and a 4H group, assist in another 4H group, and play percussion with our local youth orchestra when needed. My newest project is organizing/conducting a children's Christmas concert (choir, bell choir, and orchestra-60+ kids!!!) to benefit a local food pantry. We don't have a lot of $, but we donate a lot of time
Wrote a check to the vet for my grown daughters horse who was euthanized today... and I held her while she cried.
Hi TaLani!
I try to do something, good deed or random act of kindness, each day that I go out. If its holding the door for someone, picking something up someone else drops, getting something off a high shelf for a little lady at Walmart, letting someone into traffic, moving a bug outside or off the sidewalk, anything. When bigger opportunities arise, I try to come thru like turning in a found object to Lost and Found, adopting a special needs animal, etc.
My husband and I both work full time so we have a lady that comes to our house and does the deep clean every two weeks. I call her my "House Connie". She's a very sweet lady and we're pretty close. She's usually at my house when I come home for lunch, and we talk. Connie's daughter has a ten year old daughter, but her daughter has recently gone to jail for drug related charges and Connie now has a guardianship for her grand daughter, who has lived a very hard 10 years. Connie and her husband are poor as church mice and this child came to her with two sets of clothes...no coat...not much in the way of toys or entertainment.

I just happened to have some really nice clothes that were the correct size ,and a nice little furr collared jacket that would fit her that were left over from a church rummage sale. I gave these to Connie for her grand-daughter, along with a box of barbies and clothes for them with furniture and all the goodies that my own daughter and step-daughter used to play with. Connie was so happy. I wish I could have done more. It really wasn't much, but it felt good to be able to do at least that much.

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