What GOOD DEED have you done lately???

I hope she's ok .. that's scary..
So true peeps!

Exactly right! I was in a string of traffic behind a slow moving car and noticed the car jerking now and again. My son used to have that model so I'm pretty sure these folks had a blocked catalytic converter or, dare to dream, an O2 sensor going bad.

I pulled in behind them at a mechanic shop and approached them. I'd never approached strangers in just this manner, so I was nervous but I felt God was telling me to help these young people...so I did. I stopped and asked if I could contribute towards their car repair bill, the girl said yes and I wrote them a check for $100.

I thought my deed was done in secret, as good deeds should be but I think God had other ideas! No sooner than I got back to my office than my mother called to say a lady had called for me about some check I had written. Oh, Boy!
So this lady called my office and asked, rather abruptly, if I had given a check to some people out on Route so and so, I said I had, and she said she just wanted to know if it was "authentic"???? I told her it was backed by good American green dollars, if that was what she was asking!

Anyhoo, I thought that was the end of a strange day....until my Mom got another call on my home phone from the guy who owned the garage. Now, this guy is a notorious crook, so I was surprised to hear that he was so shocked by a stranger stopping and giving these two people money that he agreed to fix their catalytic converter for the price of the check I had written instead of the $175 he had been asking for the repair!

It can and will spread out like rings on a pond, if you only just throw the first pebble.
Nice story and nice deed!


I have done many things like that but as you know with me.. It was not god telling me to do it.... Just me, cause it feels good:)

Flying to TX once I gave two young strangers a ride to their home in my rental car.
Once in Mississippi I had a drunk bum ask for $5 for gas, instead I drank a beer with him. (After all that is what he wanted) and Let him have a shower in my hotel, and gave him some of my cloths.. I would have given him money, but he would have just spent it on alcohol instead of the shoes he needed. He said to me, wow why did you do this? I said truthfully, I do not know, it just felt like the right thing to do...

Just the other day after the windstorm I was waiting for the kids bus and noticed a tree across an elderly neighbors drive way, I cut it out and cleared the drive, they were not home, they did not know I did it.... That makes it feel especially good...

I make an effort to help people where I see people that need help... Sometimes that's jump starts, or like stuff above sometimes it is just a kind word to some one in need of it...

To me I do it for myself... Yes I am selfish, the good deeds make me feel good about myself... I expect nothing in return from no one or anything.. The reward for the deed is reaped immediately..

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I have personally been the recipient of so many good deeds lately involving folks here on BYC. I feel very rich in friends, so blessed. I try to be a bright spot in someone else's day when I can. So many have done that for me in the past few years and they know who they are--thank you, my generous friends! They inspire me to do random acts of kindness when I'm able. I don't have money, but I have my hands and love to make small gifts for folks who have touched me or whom I think could use a little "boost of the heart".

My BIL called a couple weeks ago to tell us that someone ahead of him in a drive thru paid for his meal. He was thrilled since he's on disability and daily oxygen and can't stand up to cook for himself.

We keep a leash in our car so we can rescue dogs wandering on the roads around here. Kept one from being road pizza just a couple days ago-her owner was very grateful, as he was searching frantically for her and pulled up as we were putting her in the car to go call the number on her collar. That's just something we try to do when we can and we get as much out of it as the dog does. I sort of just consider that being a decent human being, though.

Though this is for posting what you or others have done for someone else, I think most who do good for others don't necessarily need credit for it. A simple thank you is reward enough. Very nice thread---gives me ideas on what else I could do!
Hello! What a nice thread for the holidays! My husband and I had an old truck, and hubby needed a newer one. Soooo our friend is out of work, and he's got two daughters. He is going bankrupt and his car is getting repo'd. Anyhow, we sold him our old truck, for a super cheap price, and he didn't have any money, so Dave said he can make payments.

Well, it's been a few months, and our friend is really down on his luck. I told my husband that he should just consider it a gift, because our friend is really broke and it's almost Christmas........

I'm not sure my hubby agrees on the gift part, but that's my thinking......I don't care if we see a dime of that money. We don't have alot of money either, and it would be so nice to be paid, but I figure, it's nicer to help a friend. The good feeling you get is worth more than any money.......

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