What happened?

How old are your roosters? You can post a thread in the Breed or Gender forum and we can help you ID.
Not quite five months old. I will post there. Thank you. I know for sure about two but I am not sure about the other two.
The lump is not worse but about the same. She has gotten worse though. She looks like she is on the way out! She is supported now but for a long time she was laying on her side. Annnnddd She just Jerked her legs and flopped out of the towel snuggle. She is mouth breathing and she keeps jerking and stretching her legs out. She hasn’t eaten in a couple days. 🤦‍♀️ I hate this for her. Also I think I have more chickens in my garage then in my yard between the roosters to re-home and the babies to integrate and now my two sick bay, hens both with something different going on.
She's dying. She very likely has brain damage from the lump, which could be a tumor or an injury. The symptoms you describe are the body shuttiing down preceding death. At this point, I euthanize.

I'm sorry she wasn't able to recover. If you can afford it, you could take her alive to your state lab and they will euthanize her and do a necropsy and tell you what the lump was and what caused it. This is important because if it's from an avian virus, it may have implications for the rest of your flock.
I know this is old. But I have a 7 month old rooster with the same thing but the lump is further back on his head . He can barely stand. Just flops around. He will drink when I bring it to him as well as take treats. Did you ever find out what caused this?

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