What happens if chickens eat glass


Aug 7, 2015
Hi, there is broken glass in my back garden from a glass that was dropped, me and my dad picked up lots of glass, big and small pieces but what if there is still some hiding in the grass ? I think all the big bits are gone but what if my chickens (5 month old buff orpingtons) find the glass and eat it, I don't imagine that there are anymore pieces of glass around any bigger than a grain of seasalt but i am worried that it will tear up their intestines and make them bleed to death or have to be put down ? Please help
I would try to avoid letting the chickens get into the area of the broken glass. Chickens can and would peck at shiny objects (like a tiny shard of sharp glass) and could actually end up eating it. The glass could tear their insides (the name of this is "hardware disease") If the glass is the size of a grain of salt, you probably wouldn't have a whole lot of concern.
My advice is better to be safe than sorry and keep the chickens away from the area.
my dad wants us to go camping for the next 2 days, we were planning to just have the coop door open to the run, the run has bits of glass in it, i know because i found some, what do i do, I don't want to go camping. The chickens don't usually go in the run, we let them straight out usually from now on.

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