What hath God wrought/or what has Jimmy done???

The OP lives in South Carolina.

I would skip the 3 way acratch, and give them just the chick crumbles, plus some bits of scrambled egg or tuna for extra protein. The scratch, though they probably love it, does not contain a balance of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and only has half the protein of the chick feed. The layer feed has too much calcium for them.
It can if you live in an arid(desert) climate.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
View attachment 1918750
"It's incredibly hot in South Carolina." That was in my post. Thank you so much for the advice, though. I'll put that in.
Have you looked into Nutri-drench?
I just picked up a bottle today, haven't used it yet, I'm going to tomorrow for my situation, but the research I did has me optimistic.
Do the chickens have a shadey areas to get out of the sun?
Tarps are great for creating instant shade.
There are lots of shady areas for them to go. Sometimes they even go in the coop! Thank you so much.
Treating for Coccidiosis with Corid won't hurt, treat all of them. I agree with the feeding layer to the chicks might be an issue, the extra calcium in layer can/may cause kidney/liver (?) issues in Roos and chicks.

All Flock/Flock Raiser with a separate dish of OY for the layers is what I'm doing now. No issues with shells nor laying.
This is my biggest concern.
I throw their food into their run so there's no way to tell how much they would be eating.

It sounds like you are throwing food to them once a day in the morning, which they eat. But they "have no body mass, " are lethargic and dying. It sounds to me as if they simply are not getting enough to eat. They need feed available all day long. Provide all-flock or grower in feeders they can access all day long and I bet you see improvement. They also need grit and oyster shell avilable in separate dishes. Good luck!

The OP lives in South Carolina.
Yeah I missed that because of the feed issue had me gobsmacked.
Mister not much good in that humid environment....Electrolytes would be good.
Treating for Coccidiosis with Corid won't hurt, treat all of them. I agree with the feeding layer to the chicks might be an issue, the extra calcium in layer can/may cause kidney/liver (?) issues in Roos and chicks.

All Flock/Flock Raiser with a separate dish of OY for the layers is what I'm doing now. No issues with shells nor laying.

That is a really good idea! It is challenging with different age groups and unless you are really up on nutrition the bag labels are tricky. I think you can get the Corid and All Flock feed at Tractor Supply. Best wishes, keep everyone posted. Take care of you, too!

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