What have I done!? Meyer's just called - END OF STORY ON PAGE 11


10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
Meyer's just called. My babies are packed and ready to go. They wanted to verify the post office address (because I live in the sticks and even Overnight Express takes two days here...) so I am having them delivered to a post office in the 'big city' rather than wait the extra day.
I visited the big city post office this morning and I don't think they ever heard the word 'chicken' before.
My toddler even drew cute little chicks on our letter to the postmaster.
I am so nervous.
I will be so upset if they loose my babies or it ends up being too cold in Ohio for them to survive.
I even offered extra money to the Meyer's guy to add more heat packs but he said they were already packed with a heat pack and insulating tape (weird right?).

I can not wait until tomorrow when I know if they survived the trip or not!
My poor husband even had to take off from work so I can track down my chicks if I need to...
I am already totally regretting the mail order thing.
If I didn't have a car cranky toddler I could have gotten chicks from a fellow BYC member but the 4 hour round trip was just too far.
If I knew how to sex chicks I could have picked some from the feed store's straight run...
If they don't survive I will just buy grown chickens somewhere local.
I am already feeling super guilty for putting my poor chicks through this!
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I felt just like that when I got my first batch!
Chances are everything will work out just fine! You'll be a great chick mama!
Meyers is an awesome hatchery - they are my personal go to people for any problem by phone or in person.

You will not have any problems with the shipping.
Deep breath, fingers crossed. I know it's nervey having to wait on chicks, but honestly the vast majority of the shipments go fine! In all my years I have lost about 5 chicks total in shipping and maybe 5 more in the first day, and I have had hundreds shipped. Like 300 meat birds in an order and I have had small shipments of heritage breeds too, like only 20 chicks.

The heat packs they have now, and the better boxes make a huge plus compared to the days when I started this addiction.

Good for you for giving the PO a heads up! That really helps, and I hope they have your phone number. My PO lets me pick up chicks at the back door way before the front is open.

Have your brooder ready, up to temperature with the water in it for a few hours too so it's warm as well, they seem to take to it better that way. Feed in the feeders and some on the paper towel just scattered so they get interested in case they are a bit tired.

All my best for your chicks, and do let us know how it went!

I went through the same thing.
How could I be so mean and order baby chicks!

But they were all fine and are now happy adult hens!!
I'm sure they will be fine. I felt like that when I ordered my first chicks. I ordered 30 Silkies, and I ended up with 33 the day they came. I only lost one within two days, but he was small.

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