What have I done!? Meyer's just called - END OF STORY ON PAGE 11

9:15 ... still no chicks!
Did they come in today? I will be shocked if they did. I live less than 5 hr drive from Meyer's and it always takes two days for them to get here.

Hope they made it.
I paid for overnight express and checked the zip codes.
I know they did ship them yesterday and per our main post office in San Antonio they are guaranteed to be there by noon.
(That's the reason I had it shipped to San Antonio rather than the post office where we live. I checked my own zip code and even overnight express would take 2 days

As of right now it's 9:20 AM and they haven't reached San Antonio yet.

I already have the people at the loading dock watch out for my shipment and a lady from the customer service area.

Waiting, waiting... not so patiently.

Like you I will be shocked if they make it in time.
I ordered from a hatchery once, even though I felt guilty. Luckily they all survived and are very healthy to this day. But I will never do it again. I have never believed in it, but I was so desperate for chicks at the time. The feed store chicks come through the mail too though. It is more convenient, but I have to remind myself of how they treat the chicks in the hatcheries, throwing them around by the wings and onto conveyor belts
I ordered 300 chicks from Mt. Healthy...a 4 hour drive from me, am in the same state, and they took 2 days to get to me! Thankfully all 300 chicks arrived today, although a bit chilled. I got them all under heat lamps, provided water and then feed, and they are running around like champs! I only lost 3 total I think? Not bad, IMO given that we had a cold snap during their shipping.

I have an order with Meyer, too, but they are only about an hour and a half from me. A couple friends and I are driving up on the 24th to pick up our chick orders.
I sure hope you new chicks arrive safely!

But, how come you didn't just order from Ideal? They are so much closer. We drove up to Cameron last year and picked up our chicks straight from the hatchery. It is only about a 2 1/2 hour drive from San Antonio. That way you save yourself the worry from the USPS!

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