What have you done for your chickens today?

Gave the coop and run a thorough mid winter cleaning,
since it got up in the twenties !!
This one is falling behind.

I gave out some day old bread to mine today to help warm them up, it is cold here today I was told that it was 19 degrees at 9:00 am this morning.
Cleaned out the nest boxes and gave them dried grass clippings
Threw in some fresh straw under the roosts
Mounted a feeder on the wall fro their oyster shell.
Cleaned out the chicken tractor and got it ready for a new rooster someone is giving me. An EE

Oh yeah, talked to them.
Got home a little chill in the air so I made some oatmeal cracked corn and pellet stew they are in heaven - everybody is happy
Between the snow and cold, my chickens have not been going outside much. So today, when it was a balmy 24 degrees, I put some alfalfa hay and straw on top of the snow in their run and then shelled some corn for them to find when they picked through the hay and straw. They enjoyed being out, hunting and pecking and finding goodies.
I brought home an insane amount of steamed rice and thai veggie dishes from a catered business lunch that was under-attended. I offered to help them clean up after and pack the food away in the office frige, but they said there's no room, so it all goes to my birds! Lucky girls.

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