What have you done for your chickens today?

Yesterday I gave them some treats from my visit up to georgia.


Cleaned run.

Gave then some old oatmeal cooked up in milk that had gone past date from me being gone. I am very finickey about milk being fresh, but the birds donot seem to care, nor do they get the runs from it so they get alot of treats that are cooked up in out dated milk by my standards.
Gave my chickens some whole wheat spaghetti that the kids at school did not like. Guess what? Chickens love whole wheat pasta! Imagine that!
Raked leaves and straw and dirt out of their outside run, cleaned inside coop, gave them some scratch, attempted repairs on wire that ripped and broke because of heavy snow earlier this year.
I gave the girls a new boxful of grit and oyster shell, and mounted it on the wall. I also gave them a whole bag of veggie trimmings from the local veggie mart......it was mostly cabbage leaves, parley discards and green beans but they sure looked happy scratching through the pile of scraps. I tossed them a little BOSS too, that is their favorite treat for sure.

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