What Have You Learned About Poultry Since Joining BYC?

Basically all of my chicken knowledge is from BYC. Breeds, sexing, coop requirements, chicken medical help, integration tactics, caring for chicks, how eggs work, a bit of genetics, even random facts like the fact that chicken feathers are almost entirely made out of protein. I've even learned a bit about hatching, and I've never hatched eggs or hung out in the hatching forum!
Yup! About 95% 😁

it will always be why-anne-dote for me, I accept it no other way
Me too, and I have one so people expect me to say it right!
I've learned a lot about chicken illnesses or injuries. It's something I never want to just research on its own, but I've gotten a lot of info from looking at random posts of someone asking what's wrong with their chicken.

I've also learned that people keep chickens in lots of different ways. Looking at other people's experiences helps me to get out of my perfectionist mindset! :thumbsup

Small edit: Reworded a sentence
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Oh my goodness so much!!
I learned the space requirements for ducks and chickens.
I learned what broody meant.
I broke my first broody hen.
I de-wormed for the first time.
I learned ways to diagnose different diseases (admittedly this has made me very paranoid, but also observant.)
I am getting ducks for the first time and feel prepared thanks to BYC.
I am (still) learning the dietary needs of the birds.
AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!! Thank you to everyone that has helped me.
No judge. I have no one to talk chicken to in person. That means when I read a word the way I read it the first time is the way I pronounce it. 😤

Still haven’t broken my habit of calling “Mottled” “Molted.”
I don't think that's as bad as the way I pronounce Crevecouer... "Cray-Vee-Cower"

They're my favorite breed, and I still don't know how to pronounce it correctly! 😶

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