What Have You Learned About Poultry Since Joining BYC?

Most of my poultry knowledge has originated on BYC, but incubating stands out to me as a field I knew truly nothing about beforehand. I found BYC looking up how to candle eggs that were under my broody hen at the time. Over the years I became more and more interested in the field until eventually I ended up with three incubators (one of them a cabinet incubator I built myself) and more on the way. It's an addiction, but one I embrace!
A Lot!
My husbandry has improved so much since when I first got my chickens. By gosh the way my chickens were treated was so so bad before I went on BYC.
How I found it might you wonder? I kept on looking up how my little precious Dragon an EE passed and kept on finding BYC. I thought that it was something like Reddit and I wanted a real answer so I ignored it for a month, I got frustrated with it. 😅 Eventually caved in and joined a year ago, bejeezum, I was a bad owner. 😓
I had no roost, my chickens would pile on top of each other at night, their feathers were always broken and ratty. I never understood my chickens, now I understand their body language and what they say. When they got hurt or injured I thought they just die or they live, now I'll try to save them going down kicking and screaming, I have now saved so many chickens because of BYC. I have learned about eggs and have been able to save chicks. I have learned about the rooster ratio and that impulsive buying chicks is not ok. I have also learned about genetics and how genes carry on.

And the biggest thing, I have learned about an amazing community filled with chicken addicts that grab new people and make them join their ranks, never to escape again without a mountain of knowledge. I ain't ever leaving here, I am one of the chicken addicts now. 🥰
That candle wax can be used for small cracks on eggs. Came on useful this last month, and otherwise we would have thrown the egg out and lost this little guy


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