What hens are great egg layers?


I find my RIR's to be great layers. They lay large brown eggs with nice strong shells. And mine are very friendly, too! I have two BO's but they are too young to lay, so I don't know yet. Good luck! Genie
Rhode Island Reds are hard to beat. Just make sure you get them from a hatchery. There are some called "heritage rir's". They dont lay as good. Sex links are also good. Also the suggestion about the ducks is true. My white crested ducks each lay an egg EVERY day. Even through the winter.
orpingtons..any color.
It depends on what you want from the chickens. Do you want friendly birds or ones that will hang out in the run & not interact w/ you?

I've got a black sex-link, rhose Island Red, a Barred Plymouth rock, and a bantam cochin. The RIR is a bit skittish but is a laying machine - about 6/week. The BSL is really friendly and lays about 5/week. The BR laid for 2 weeks then quit.

The cochin has yet to lay a single egg.

Get a few birds and see if you like having them and taking care of them. Chickens are easy to take care of, but do require care 2x/day. You'll need to let them out of the coop every morning and lock them up at night. Check their food & water every day, collect eggs, and clean the coop. They are work, and require that you get up early on weekends. I have to let my girls out of the coop by 7 on the weekends over the winter, and earlier in the summer. If they're in the coop too long they start to fuss and make lots of noise. Since we have neighbors, we have to let the chickens out so that they don't annoy the neighborhood!
Hi! I have some red stars and they are 6 months old and have not started to lay? I thought they were supposed to be really good layers.
I have leghorns and they do lay well...but depending on your setup...they are not the friendliest group.

I would say stick to Red stars(sex links), RIR, and Barred Rocks. I like the color of a RIR egg better than the BR pinks but my BR have done great all winter long.

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