What homesteading magazines do you get?

Same here. Once in awhile I pick up a copy of Backwoods or Backyard Poultry. Also buy HobbyFarm on occasion. My mother gets Mary Jane Farm but that magazine comes across as a bit self-righteous to me, like you're going to die if you don't use their recipes.
Love HobbyFarmHome!
Mother Earth News, but I pick up Hobby Farms often. My subscription to Organic Gardening just ran out, not sure if I will renew. I had seen an Urban Farmer magazine once, and I'd like to check out another issue to see if I want it before I subscribe - just haven't been able to find it! Possibly I'm remembering an incorrect name, though.
Hobby Farms.

I have a couple of mother earth, a grit and a hobby farm mag if anyone would like them. :) Not sure how current the first three are, but the hobby farm is just a few months old.
I love MEN! (Get it? Mother Earth News?
) Seriously though, I'm glad you asked because I've been trying to find some other good ones, so I'm looking forward to checking some of these other ones out.

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