What I thought were 2 EE pullets I think are roo's- confirm or deny?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
So my 2 easter egger girls/boys are 4.5 weeks old. I have suspected by behavior, color (black/white) and comb development, now the pinkening and prominance of comb, that I have 2 roos (pardon how disheveled the look, been enjoying watermelon). What's your expert opinion?

1st suspect EE June:

next suspect EE #2 Bella (the reddish on waddle area is watermelon)

Both look like a roos to me. Coloring, yep. Comb, three rows, yep. They are beautiful.
Here is ours at 4.5 weeks

7 weeks.

At 14 weeks.

He is now almost 11 months now and I realize that I do not have an updated pic of him. I will have to correct that.
Our's is a great roo, generous with the hens, protective, and sweet.
Do you know when the females start to get their 3 rows in? Im only curious because I have 3 11week old EEs and one has always made me think roo and a few days ago I noticed she has 3 distinct rows.

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