What if the eggs in her nest arent fertile?


14 Years
May 6, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, EB
Can I try using some ones from the refrigerator that I have collected over the weeks? Im going to candle in 10 days and if the arent viable, I was thinking of giving her a try with some of her other eggs. Would that work or does refrigeration kill them?
I have four eggs in my bator.. two were fresh and two that I had in the fridge. The two from the fridge are growing at the same rate as the fresh. I left them out for about a day to get to room temp before I set them. I would think it is not the best to use reg eggs, but it is possible for them to work.
I know this subject is one that will bring different responses. First let me say , that I do not keep my intentional hatching eggs in the fridge. BUT before I started selling hatching eggs, as a test batch we used 2 week old ones out of the refrigerator and 5 out of 6 hatched!~

If you just want to try it, put them under and see how it goes! Just set them out and let them come to room temp, then slip them under her at night!

The refrigerator won't kill them, but it lowers your fertility rate.
My experience is that if the eggs aren't fertile the hen will get off day 17-18ish. That's happen to us a couple times with purchased eggs.

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