Renk777 here are some better pics of the one I sent you pics of earlier. This is the only one with such a tall comb. I have 10 of them in total I purchased them from a place called country junction near me in Pennsylvania and they say they suppose to be all females but their is a chance of some boys.
This is a pic of the mixture of colors I have some are very dark and some light
What color eggs are anyone’s mature girls laying? I have a SG and ISA Brown that are laying but I never catch them at it!!! Not sure who is laying the dark and who is laying the light!!
What color eggs are anyone’s mature girls laying? I have a SG and ISA Brown that are laying but I never catch them at it!!! Not sure who is laying the dark and who is laying the light!!
Ours are fairly light...but still brownish. The first egg one laid was Halloween-worthy... no blood since then so think it was just the first egg pushing out!

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