What is best to store feed in and keep rodents out??

Hello! For size of trash can a ten gallon will hold 50 pound bags of chicken food, scratch and corn with about 4 inches of space left. Not sure on the sunflower seeds
but I use those for the 3 items I mentioned!
I use a galvanized metal trash can and I don't have mice. I would have seen the tracks around the coop last winter and there was no sign of them... and even keep a full feeder hanging in there. I think if there were mice, the chickens would have eaten them!
Wow. I didn't know that rodents could chew through that tough plastic. I haven't had any problems yet with using plastic totes and garbage cans, but I'm going to keep a close eye on them now!
Oh yes, rodents will chew through plastic! My kids put piles of hickory nuts in the bottom of their fancy little 2-kid wagon and then folded the seats down to hide their stash. Rodents chewed through the wagon to get to the nuts. It was thick, double-walled plastic!

Where is the best place to buy these metal trash bins?
for outside use metal can and put a bungee or tarp strap on it to keep the coons out coons are very very smart
Yay Chicks! :

Wow. I didn't know that rodents could chew through that tough plastic. I haven't had any problems yet with using plastic totes and garbage cans, but I'm going to keep a close eye on them now!

When we were cleaning our shed out we found some tough plastic totes my brother used to store hunting gear in, the mice chewed a big hole in the side of one and built a nice nest in his gear.

I'm planning on getting a couple metal trash cans to store feed right in the coop, I'm going to have a dropping board installed just a bit higher than trash can height so I can slide them under the board for storage.​

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