what is going on with my pullet?


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
I have 1 pullet that is almost 11 mo old. She has been laying for a few months now. She laid all winter but slowed down to every other day. In Feb she had a couple times that she laid 2 days in a row then a day off but for the most part it was every other day. Well she laid Feb 25, I figured she would take the 26th off but she went in the nest box was in for her normal amt of time (I have a camera) but when I went to get the egg there was no egg....... ok fine figured she would just lay on the 27th. well no egg then.......... She did lay on the 28th fine with no problems and the egg looked fine. she has done this a couple times over the past few months so didn't think much of it. Then March 1st she went in the box and same thing as before was in the box the normal amt of time, checked and no egg..... She took March 2nd off...... Well then today she went in again for the normal amt of time and again no egg........ This is 3 days off in a row. She seems a bit more talkative (but she is always talkative just seems maybe a tad more today), is eating, walking fine, not squatting down like she is trying to lay..... I have a rooster who has been mounting her. When one of mine took a month off from laying he didn't mount her once that I saw in that month so wouldn't think this one is taking a break or anything.

Is this a strange fluke thing or could she be egg bound? I did look up the symptoms of it and she isn't showing any of those that I can tell.

Any other ideas????
Very rarely does a chicken not show some signs of illness when egg binding is suspected, so if your hen is behaving normally, bright-eyed, not fluffed up, eating and drinking and pooping okay, she's probably okay.

It's normal for hens to slow down a bit from their out-of-the-gate egg laying extravaganza. She may also be going broody. You would notice a change in her vocalization and feathers would start to go missing from along her keel bone.
Very rarely does a chicken not show some signs of illness when egg binding is suspected, so if your hen is behaving normally, bright-eyed, not fluffed up, eating and drinking and pooping okay, she's probably okay.

It's normal for hens to slow down a bit from their out-of-the-gate egg laying extravaganza. She may also be going broody. You would notice a change in her vocalization and feathers would start to go missing from along her keel bone.
Thanks. She hasn't spent any extra time in the nest box and only place a bit bare is her back from my Roo. Hoping that gets better now that 3 others are laying so maybe he won't bug her as much. I already had 3 laying, including this one but think she was one of his favorites.

I figured she would slow some but wasn't expecting 3 days off in a row with her going in the nest box 2 of those 3 days and no egg. Normally if she doesn't have to lay she doesn't go in at all. But good to know she would be showing some signs.

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