What is going on?


May 11, 2015
Okay so this pigeon came crashing into our gross pond the other day with a damaged wing, and after trying to get him into several places nearby who wouldn't accept him we just named him Eric Franswah and cleaned him up, getting his wing some medicine and such. He was super nice and all, and he liked to sit on my shoulder whenever I took him out of his box, but like 3 hours ago I come home and find a freaking egg sitting there so apparently eric is a female? Great news, always love to find it out like this. Anyway I built her a cushioned, dark, nest like area with a little hole for in and out ( I am super proud of myself even though I pretty much just jabbed a knife into stuff ), and she took a great liking to it, but now I am sorta freaking out. So from previous experience I know these eggs are probably just her period eggs or whatever, I feel ya sister, but I need to know if there is a posibility that they are fertalized. If they are, I also need to know the best way to make an incubator if I can't buy one. I know how to take care of chicks but I am woefully confused about eggs. Thanks for listening to me ramble, I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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It not going to be fertilised unless she has mated with a male.. you only have her right? If so is not going to be fertile.

She will lay another one... they nearly always lay 2 eggs at a time.

You can let her brood them for a few weeks.. and they she will give up and go back to her normal self when they don't hatch... or, better still, you can replace the eggs with some fake ones.. or small white stones the same size as the eggs (or whatever else you can think of to look like an egg). Then you can throw away the real ones. Then there is no chance of them going rotten and breaking.. which will stink!

You must let her incubate her own eggs, or the fake ones.. and not just throw them out and leave her with no eggs.. because she will keep laying new eggs to replace them.. and then she will get sick from lack of calcium and the strain of making so many eggs..

Well done for looking after your injured pigeon... Can she fly now? I make the mistake years ago of trusting an animal shelter to take care of a weak lost racing pigeon. I later found out they just killed it as they don't want to waste their time and money of pigeons!!!!! I was so upset I felt it was my fault. Now I always keep and treat any birds that need rescuing myself... and then release them once they are better.
Okay, phew, that freaked me out. The odd thing is she shows no interest in brooding them! She even pecked at the first one once like she didn't know what it was. I guess I'll just have to see what shes doing.. the only time I ever had a bird abandon his eggs is when his mate flew out the window, and after day one he just left and there was nothing I could to cause incubators cost too much, and I didn't know how else to keep them warm. Thats mh mistake with birds, which leaves me feeling pretty bad most of the time eggs come along.
I come home and find a freaking egg sitting there so apparently Eric is a female?I need to know if there is a possibility that they are fertilized. If they are, I also need to know the best way to make an incubator if I can't buy one. I know how to take care of chicks but I am woefully confused about eggs.
There is no way of knowing if the eggs are fertilized or not without the passage of time and candling. I personally think there is a good possibility that they are. If you can keep food near by and if the hen will incubate them that is the route to take. As as far as an incubator and hatching even if they were able to hatch they will in all probability die without pigeon milk. Pigeons squab are not comparable to chickens or ducks for that matter and need at least one parent to successfully make it to adulthood is my experience.
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Eggs maybe fertile if she came to you less than two weeks ago. Give her a box open on side, in a calm dark cool corner, with a plastic or wood dog bowl type, with pine needles or dried grass, think in it (eggs in it). Feed her chicken layer crumbles, scratch feed (7 grain if possible, or more), n a good wild bird seed ("pennington" adds vits n minerals). Pigeons do good on one and all. a teaspoon of vinager in a gallon of water settled for drinking, helps get n keep them healthy.

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