What is he thinking ?


10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
Red Bluff, Ca
Can anyone explain to me why a Roo would mount a hen backwards ? Is there a book or something I can get him to show that his head to tail method just don't work ? He is a young mutt that just came into his own a couple of months ago, he has 2 hens of his own and I don't think I have seen him get it right yet. Suggestions ?
I don't know ...Let me ask my DH... OH ha ha.
That is so funny, thanks for the laugh.
He has a mentor, In all fairness he has only had his girls for a few days. He has spent most of the last couple months watching the others from his pen. I am really hoping he don't figger it out before I can get it on video.
I have a rabbit that...well...where ever he climbs on is where he....well...yeah....the ladies get ticked....I think I am gonna get rid of him cuz...well...it is kinda funny but it really annoys the ladies
Ya otta see the look on his hens faces. As they are dodging his tail they are looking like " what the.....". I got to get some pics.
My young drake is doing this with his ducks. He's under a year old and recently started mating them. Sadly, I have no other drake to show him how it's...done...He's so confused.

I think after a certain period of time, they kinda just snap into it.

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