What is in a name? Peafowl naming inspiration!

I was happy to see you like to use names from mythology. My dogs name is Pandora, because I love mythology and like names that have meaning. My old dogs name (From years ago) was Angus. He was an all black dog. I had a boa named Merlin. I can't wait to find out what you name your bird!!
I was just eyeballing a few names. Here is what I have come up with myself, so far..

Aegle- "light, radiance, glory" (female)
Charon- "feirce brightness" (male)
Eos- "dawn" (female)
Indira- "beauty" (female)
Genesis- "birth"
Nirvana- "bliss"

My favorite of the ones I have researched is "Feng-huang." Which has to do with Chinese folklore. Fenghuang is the Chinese phoenix. A sign of good times or good luck. Come to find out, there is a ton of mythology and folklore with peafowl. Peafowl are associated with the mythological Phoenix, and everything a Phoenix is associated with.

Is it any stranger than someone looking for something in the dictionary and finding a name for a critter that didn't exist yet? I have a gray stud pony, and while looking for something I saw 'Galena' (a gray mineral, principle ore in lead). I told myself that if I ever got a gray filly by that stud, she would be named Galena. She was born a few months later... Several of my critters went nameless for a few months until I found the name that seemed right. (Though my kids named a cat, a pony, and a dog all 'Blackie', and we had them all at the same time. We changed a few of the names...)

When I think of Indy, I think of car races. And with this being a sole survivor, I think I would be thinking along the lines of a name to do with winning... Or maybe something like Indi-glo?
LOL-->Blackie... My family tries to name every black animal we have "Shadow."

Galena is a good name for a grey filly. It's even fun to say. I have done the same thing. LOL. Found a name I like and then wrote it down on a list. I have lists of names I like laying around here somewhere, just can't find it. Most of the names on the list were picked out as potential names for horses or dogs, whereas peafowl seem to "need" an elegant name. I was on late last night skimming through the big name databases.

It hasn't hatched yet. I can see the egg rocking a little though. I love it when the eggs move, it's like the content's are letting you know "it's okay, don't worry, I'm trying still". I do not think the egg will hatch until later today, possibly later tonight.

Peafowl takes forever to hatch and they need a lot of oxygen(some breeders say you should open the bator a bit while hatching so they don't suffocate).
Once hatched you think they will die, they are so tired.

I haven't managed to hatch one via bator yet, but I have been successful with peahens and chicken hens.

Good luck!
I totally understand wanting to pick special names for animals. Almost all of mine are named after gods or goddesses or are strong personal names. I just purchased a peachick and have been calling it Pandora (cause this is going to open a whole new box of animals it my life)
although I have no idea of the sex but it just sounds cute. I figured if it turns out to be a boy I will call him Pendragon. Close in sound so hopefully it will recognize its name.
Gaia is a good name, that is also the name for the earth mother and since your peachick will have alot of blue it would fitting. Of course that depends on whether it is a female or not. A good name if it turns out to be a male would be Geb. This is the name of the Egyptian god of earth.
Good luck and let us know what you finally choose.
I have never had an animal named "Spot" or "Fluffy" or anything "normal". Usually if a name doesn't come to me right away when I meet them I'll give them a temporary call name until something comes to me. After all, they're all family. However (and this is strictly based on personal history) if/when I ever have peafowl (if I think my neighbors won't notice the screaming) they will be named Mr. and/or Mrs. Caputi because when I was a little girl living in Colombia our neighbors the Caputis had peacocks who would hop the wall and come into our garden. I was only about 8 or 9 but I've never forgotten them. Maybe that's what set me off on my (finally recently realized) poultry path
We have a dog named Diogi (D.O.G.) Makes him kinda sound Italian even and man-0-man you should see him eat leftover Spaghetti!

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