Hey afre13

That is great news, I am so pleased you did not lose them all.

So, you were going fishing, does raccoon make good bait?
Hi here to help u I'm not guessing if the heads are mailed it's a weasel or its in the weasel family weasels can get through chicken wire and tight place title as a tight as both your thumb and your need finger around a quarter. Weasels will do this here's your answer get a trap st up dog cameras or sensors of moving around your or something weiners and German shepards are good I have a weiners dog that live with my duck I went to feed my dog and I found he killed 3 weasels with one of my ducks head malled. Recently I had a fox get in sure a nuff my weiner dog is the best he injured it and I found it dead 23 ft away form the pen it's front left leg broken pull and ripped from its socket my dog rules. Get a weiner dog!

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