What is Mama missing?

She is a bantam I bought at TSC last Feb. Body language would be not happy to being held but that is normal for her. She doesn't care for handling at all. She complained loudly when I took her out but it wasn't the screaming I've heard come out if her before. She did want right back in the box thou. Can they go broody the first laying season? For some reason I thought not. I will go over her again with a fine pic comb in the morning and let everyone know what I find if anything. Thank you all!
My bantam buff Cochin is 6 months old and went broody on Halloween.
So yep it can happen lol.
On Monday I gave her 2 eggs to set.
I’m going to candle tomorrow.
This morning I felt a ball for lack of better words on the right side of her chest I somehow missed last night. Impacted crop, however I'm unsure of what to do now because 1) she doesn't have fluid coming out her Beck and 2) she's pooped 3 or 4 times since I separated her an hour ago. So do I hold her like a football and see what we can get up, or do I give dulclax or just kept her sperated with water only and massage? Please advise the confused! And I thought my first bumblefoot was rough...


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It feels like a hard small ball. I'm a first time chicken Mama so I'm not really 100% about anything. She's the first crop issue and I've had one bumblefoot issue to date. Knock on wood to no more lol
Her comb is still bright red, not pale in any way. She did screech at me for removing her from the box this morning but still does not look sick other than. So maybe I should just keep her separated for a day or two and watch?

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