What is my Easter Egger mixed with?

I had Araucana in the mid to late 70s but they weren't hatchery stock.
I was thinking there were hatcheries selling Araucana at that time but honestly can't be 100% sure it was a long time ago.
Thinking junebuggena was right about them calling them Araucana but they were not what breeders were trying to breed and show just birds that layed blue eggs.
Idk much about them before the time i had them except the same info that was posted.
I don't quite agree with what's being said about EEs
Murray McMurray is one of the oldest, and largest hatcheries in the country, established in 1917. Not sure on the exact date that they started breeding and selling their Araucana/Ameraucana Easter Eggers, but pretty sure they have had them since the 30s or 40s.
Murray McMurray is one of the oldest, and largest hatcheries in the country, established in 1917. Not sure on the exact date that they started breeding and selling their Araucana/Ameraucana Easter Eggers, but pretty sure they have had them since the 30s or 40s.

You continue to make up statements without facts. It would be very wise to research before you make statements. When someone with more than your two years of experience with poultry is trying to tell you from personal experience that you are spreading false information, and you continue to do so, it makes one wonder. What Murray McMurray is selling now is not what they have always sold. I have catalogs when they sold Araucanas, not mentioning Ameraucanas. Which of their catalogs do you have? When was the first time you saw a bird from them?
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I had Araucana in the mid to late 70s but they weren't hatchery stock.
I was thinking there were hatcheries selling Araucana at that time but honestly can't be 100% sure it was a long time ago.
Thinking junebuggena was right about them calling them Araucana but they were not what breeders were trying to breed and show just birds that layed blue eggs.
Idk much about them before the time i had them except the same info that was posted.
I don't quite agree with what's being said about EEs

Just curious, what do you not agree with about what is being said about EEs? I know what I saw in the mid 1990s that had come from a hatchery were true Araucana, not what is being sold now. I wish I had a picture from then, but I did not think it would matter. The poultry world was much different then than it is now.
When people say the original birds were EEs or what we know as EEs now and that Araucana and Ameracauna came from EEs.
I believe the originals were aracaunas just not to the breed standard because there wasn't a standard then. I believe they did split into two directions and became the two breeds.
EEs became what they are now when breeders started crossing any blue egg layers with other layer breeds. At first they were trying to increase blue egg layers to keep up with the demand for them. Breeders soon discovered the crosses were laying different shades of blue and different shades of green eggs. I remember when that was happening. Some were claiming pink eggs too. They started becoming popular because instead of just getting blue eggs you could get a rainbow of colored eggs. That's when the term Easter eggers started being used.
Why do people want to say they were originally EEs when that term wasn't around that I know of till the early 80s?
That's just what I remember and my opinion.
I agree, and that was part of what I was trying to say initially. Like you said, Easter Egger is a recent term. I am sure there was variation in the first birds imported, since the crosses were fairly recent at that point, and the fact that two distinct breeds, and several varieties within each breed, arose from those birds seems to suggest that variation. I know some Easter Eggers are crosses, but some could have been sports from the early birds. I have one bird that as far as I know is an Easter Egger, but she fits the standard for a brown red Ameraucana pretty well. I do have true white Ameraucana. I had some blue, but stayed with the white.
saphire colored eggs,
blue green emerald deep shiny
dark blue/ a shade of green.
I would love to see a picture of a sapphire egg! I have never heard of that color for an egg. :eek:

I'd love to see one myself but don't believe they exist.
Even that poster's description is changing. If it has any shade of green then idk how you could call it sapphire.
Hi friends!

Finally picked up my first 3 hens 3 weeks ago for my back yard flock. I picked 3 Easter Eggers that were each a different color. They are 17 weeks today. I hope they start laying in the next few weeks!

The white one has 5 toes and is supposedly mixed with Salmon Favorelle or Houdan.

The black one - not sure. Looks like a typical Easter Egger to me. 4 toes and the flightiest of the trio.

The third one...is brown with these really neat feathers. And she has a top hat on her head with no cheek muffs! She seems very unique. What is she?! Any ideas? Can EEs have a head of feathers like that?
I’d say the one with puff on head is mixed with gold laced polish

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