What is on my chicks BUTT


Jul 25, 2016
pilot mountain nc
I have heard of pasty butt and all of the pictures I have seen are no where near as much as this. Can anyone tell me if this is pasty butt, how to treat it and if it isn't pasty butt what is it?
I have heard of pasty butt and all of the pictures I have seen are no where near as much as this. Can anyone tell me if this is pasty butt, how to treat it and if it isn't pasty butt what is it?

Looks like pasted bottom to me. My goodness, is your chick not completely freaked out by you holding it like that?
You have to wash it off, gently. A cotton ball soaked in lukewarm water is good and lots of patience. It will take a while to soften the poo enough so you can wipe the poor chick clean.
For us, adding a bit of oatmeal to yoghurt as a treat did the trick. I only had to clean up two chicks one time.
Agree with Stephine's reply. One of my chicks had a pasty butt episode when she was 2-3 weeks old. She seemed prone to it for a solid week. Once the poo was thoroughly removed that did the trick in terms of ongoing mess. You have to get it ALL off. ....the least little bit left remaining will continue to collect more and more. Good luck! P.S I think it is more stressful on us as the caregiver than on the chicks during the process of removal :)
That's pasty-butt, all right. Get a shallow dish of mild soapy warm water and hold the chick's butt in the water for a minute or two until the mess softens. It should liquify and you should be able to gently pull it off. Be careful not to scrub or you will inflame the very fragile vent, causing swelling. Smooth some coconut oil on the vent and surrounding down after you blow dry the chick.

I agree with the recommendation to add probiotics to the food. Mixing some Poultry Nutir-drench in the drinking water so it appears as weak tea will give all your chicks some very high quality nutrients to improve their digestion in addition to the probiotics.
I very much agree with giving probotics. Ive ordered probios for poultry off line for some years now and i highly recommend it! You will SEE the difference in feces in less than 1 week.but MOST IMPORTANT CLEAR HER POOP BLOCKAGE! it can easily kill her if she is not able to relieve herself! Also make certain her blockage is NOT A PLUG INSIDR HER AS WELL.(Common). You can use a small amount of oil for lubrication on a q-tip if needed to clear any impacted stool . The Probios is excellent and i use it on chicks and Hens alike.. Hope this helps. Best wishes.
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We had several chick's that had pasty button and started adding apple cider vinegar to their water and the problem cleared right up (thanks to this forum for the ACV tip!) I would gently clean the chick's bottom so the vent isn't obstructed and take a look at adding ACV to their water.

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