What is one thing you want to do before you die?

I'm back, to tell not even nearly all the animals i want before i die!! But here's some

LGD (Large Guard dogs) peferably great pyreness! :celebrate
Pigs, more pigs, different breeds of pigs!
Sheep... I already have 50, but why not more?! I want more breeds, I want all the breeds!!
Goats!! Who doesn't love goats?
Reindeer, why? I don't know :oops:

Chickens, ducks and geese. I already have all of the above, but I need more breeds (I just got 2 embden geese for free, that's a new breed for me!)
Camels... Again, I can't explain myself
Alpacas and llamas, I want a section on my farms that's just sheep, goats, alpacas and llamas. That'd be fluff heaven!
Pheasants, all of them. HAND THEM OVER
Swans... oh my goodness... SWANS!! I want some black ones, why?... Well....
Moving on!
Horses, but I have 20 atm and I think that's enough for a while...
Peacocks, i just cant explain why!
Guinea fowl... i want all fowl that exsists

There's so much more that I can't remember! My brain goes dead while writing this. Maybe i'll make my own thread talking to myself abt what animals i want and the plans for them etc

And before I die, I want my college degree, university degree, I want to get that avian vet job, or any vet!! I want to be a wild bird rehabber, along with a farm sanctuary!

I used all my brain cells for this :caf
You have  twenty horses????!
Oh my goodness! What breeds?
I love horses. I only talk about ducks on here, and bunnies, but I actually studied equine in college. Big interest of mine!
In the moment, I can't seem to think of very many things.
On the practical side, I would love some sheep, a couple of pet ewes to breed, and then use the lambs for meat. (I would like to be more self-sufficient)
On the not so practical, skydiving would be an awesome! Also, travelling, but I'm not quite sure where at this point.
But where we live, I am so lucky to be able have quite a lot of animals, and there's lots of national parks with cliffs and water falls to explore, so in the moment I'm living quite a few of my dreams.
One thing?!?! Gosh I have so many things I want to do!!

Traveling to:
And I have a dream of going to Brazil and seeing wild conures!

Things I want to do:
Sky dive
Gallop bareback on my horse
I really would love to start some sort of animal rescue, maybe for parrots or cats or horses
I want to have a family, it seems like that's not to far off of a normal thing but I really want to have a family, like a house on a hill on acreage.....it's cheesy but I love the idea of it!

I could probably think of other stuff, that's just everything that came to mind
One thing?!?! Gosh I have so many things I want to do!!

Traveling to:
And I have a dream of going to Brazil and seeing wild conures!

Things I want to do:
Sky dive
Gallop bareback on my horse
I really would love to start some sort of animal rescue, maybe for parrots or cats or horses
I want to have a family, it seems like that's not to far off of a normal thing but I really want to have a family, like a house on a hill on acreage.....it's cheesy but I love the idea of it!

I could probably think of other stuff, that's just everything that came to mind
Those are all really good dreams!!
Galloping bareback on your horse, that sounds like an awesome goal to achieve!
@Pampered chicken girl those are all things that I would love to do!
And if you ever come to Australia you should come down this way, I love my part of the world.
And I would actually really like to visit the USA, there's so many places over there that look really cool.
@Pampered chicken girl those are all things that I would love to do!
And if you ever come to Australia you should come down this way, I love my part of the world.
And I would actually really like to visit the USA, there's so many places over there that look really cool.
Cool! If you come to the US then make sure to come down my way too! Australia is gorgeous, I definitely think I'll visit it someday!

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