What is one thing you want to do before you die?

I'm older now. I used to dream of certain things I would like to do. Living on a farm was a big one. Having all of the animals I could, but, mostly owning horses and riding anytime I wanted to. Love horses. I'm blessed to have been able to ride when I was younger. Others horses. Great memories. I'm fine where I'm at now. Keep getting those grandbabies. That's just plain awest! :)
Sweden! You would be shocked to know how many American citizens would leave this country because of what the government is doing. So, Sweden can look pretty good to us! The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence…
To bad that the goverment isn't accepting any people into the country anymore (Traveling, ofcourse but not migrating)
you should get some of the Navaho Churro sheep. I did a whole page and 1/4 report about them. Any sheep likert (I'm still having trouble with these keyboards :( ) should knowe about them. They are so COOL! The churro sheep have long wool, and two sets of horns. Unlike most other breeds, they have less lanolin in their coats, so are heat and drought tolerant in the southwest deserts of the USA. The Churro sheep were almost brought to extintion twice, once when the Navaho were taken off their native land, and again in the 1930's when the dust bowl came around. In the 1970's there were estimated 450 of these sheep left. now there are about 6000 in the USA. If you do not know about these sheep, that is your homework for tonight :)
There's your history lesson for the week... or month... or day :D
That's amazing! I usually only study about birds, but guess it's time to start with sheep too ;) Sounds like it'd be an expensive breed, what's the average pricing? Do they only exsist in the U.S?

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