What is sevin dust?

Eating McDonalds is more dangerous then some SevinDust
I agree with you that eating McDonald's is bad. I think that eating anything that's processed is bad but eating poison, and knowing what it could be doing to our bodies and our offspring, is far worse. It's been shown that many kids with asthma had moms that smoked during pregnancy. There's also research that shows a link between people who sprayed their yards and homes a lot with pesticides and lawn chemicals to neurological disorders like Autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. I don't want my kids or grandkids to remember me as the selfish guy that exposed them, before and after birth, to products that were shown to be detrimental to our health when their families are overrun with cancers or infertility.

We all need to change the way we think because we're poisoning our environment and those around us. We aren't destroying the earth. It'll always be around. We're destroying the human race.
Sevin dust kills the honey bees, some on this site use it like baby powder.... No way ! there are other ways to control issues, just because "they" say it is safe next thing you will see is a 1 800 bad drug commercial . there is a lot of chemicals that are banned in other countries that is FDA approved.... do some research and then decide what is best for you and your flock. Manna Pro has a nice product that uses natural ingredient.... enjoy chickens are the bomb :)
We have been battling red poultry mites in our duplex coop now for a couple of weeks. We removed and burned all bedding, power washed the coop, painted all cracks and crevices with white wash (made with hydrated lime), lined the coop with boric acid and then dusted the crap out of it with DE/tea tree oil/poultry dust (permethrin) prior to adding fresh bedding. We then re-dusted the every couple of days with DE. But despite all this ... the mites remain and are reproducing. :-( A friend suggested we use Sevin dust (carbaryl), so we are trying it next.
The Sevin dust works!!! Mites are dead. So far, no visible effects to our chickens whatsoever. We did not dust the chickens, only the coop and the new bedding while they were free-ranging.
You don't have to be a jerk! I'm trying to HELP with information about what works and what doesn't work. If you don't agree, then don't try it.
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You don't have to be a jerk! I'm trying to HELP with information about what works and what doesn't work. If you don't agree, then don't try it.

I'm not trying to be a jerk chrspdv. I'm just telling the other side of the story so people don't go out and poison themselves thinking it's safe to use because someone said they use it all the time with no ill affects. People should get both sides of the story and because I choose to disagree with your reasoning, I'm a jerk? People should educate themselves when deciding on using poisons in their daily lives. No ill affects from using Sevin Dust? How do you know that? How do you know that your kids, grandkids or great grandkids won't suffer birth defects, cancers, sterility, or other detrimental health issues down the road because billion dollar corporations with pockets full of politicians have your health at stake purely for profit? Can you assure everyone that Sevin Dust is perfectly safe to use given all of the herbicides and pesticides that have been used over the years and now cancer has become America's number 1 killer? Sevin Dust, like all other poisons, has been linked to many diseases and health problems and people need to have that information too.
Sevin dust is an insecticidal dust with the active ingredient (ai) carbaryl. Below are several informative links for carbaryl info.




Overall, we found it to be a fast, effective miticide with no observable adverse effects to us or our chickens when used to treat (i.e., dust) the coop and bedding while the chickens are absent (free-ranging during the day). I would NOT dust the chickens directly - this is not necessary for red poultry mites that live in the wood and feed primarily at night when the birds are roosting.

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