What is the breed you wish you could find? What are your dream acquisitions for color/variety?

@The Phantom

Lol you really want to read this whole list?

You sure? It's going to be long.....


Okay breeds I've always wanted to try or get more stock of(hard to find or expensive to obtain quality stock) in no particular order.

Note as I'm in Wisconsin not every breed excels in every climate so that's something to look into.

Cream legbars/frost legbars they're almost unheard of in my area and are wonderful calm birds and they should lay blue eggs(I only breed blue layers of this breed.) They're also predator savvy and I've never yet had an aggressive one. Autosexing also!

English Orpingtons while I have many there are always more to have. They are awesome and I think every flock should have at least one. Come in buff black chocolate blue mauve cuckoo lavender white black laced blue laced lavender laced(most colors and varieties are considered projects in the US) also come in various mottled colors. I'm working on a couple varieties myself. Btw they're secret for now. ;)

Buckeyes are a great mahogany colored heritage breed that are amazing foragers. Ours regularly wander up to 3/4 of a mile from our house foraging. They're also relatively predator savvy and as a rare heritage breed they need some help.

Blue laced red Wyandottes because they're stunning. I acquired some once but in quarantine they showed illness and we had to cull them all. It was so hard to do. I've wanted more ever since.

Bielefelders autosexing large docile birds on my wish list.

Double laced Barnvelders

Silver pencilled rocks

Swedish Hedemoras


Croad Langshan are supposed to lay a brown egg with a bloom that makes the eggs look plum colored. On my want list.

Ayam Cemani are cool because of their uniqueness.

Dominiques often mistaken for a barred rock are from my experience friendly docile birds and great foragers.

True Ameraucana

Also I've never had a very dark brown layer so black copper Marans.

Everyone seems to love silkies.

This list could go on and on.

I think I'll add more later probably.
@The Phantom

Lol you really want to read this whole list?

You sure? It's going to be long.....


Okay breeds I've always wanted to try or get more stock of(hard to find or expensive to obtain quality stock) in no particular order.

Note as I'm in Wisconsin not every breed excels in every climate so that's something to look into.

Cream legbars/frost legbars they're almost unheard of in my area and are wonderful calm birds and they should lay blue eggs(I only breed blue layers of this breed.) They're also predator savvy and I've never yet had an aggressive one. Autosexing also!

English Orpingtons while I have many there are always more to have. They are awesome and I think every flock should have at least one. Come in buff black chocolate blue mauve cuckoo lavender white black laced blue laced lavender laced(most colors and varieties are considered projects in the US) also come in various mottled colors. I'm working on a couple varieties myself. Btw they're secret for now. ;)

Buckeyes are a great mahogany colored heritage breed that are amazing foragers. Ours regularly wander up to 3/4 of a mile from our house foraging. They're also relatively predator savvy and as a rare heritage breed they need some help.

Blue laced red Wyandottes because they're stunning. I acquired some once but in quarantine they showed illness and we had to cull them all. It was so hard to do. I've wanted more ever since.

Bielefelders autosexing large docile birds on my wish list.

Double laced Barnvelders

Silver pencilled rocks

Swedish Hedemoras


Croad Langshan are supposed to lay a brown egg with a bloom that makes the eggs look plum colored. On my want list.

Ayam Cemani are cool because of their uniqueness.

Dominiques often mistaken for a barred rock are from my experience friendly docile birds and great foragers.

True Ameraucana

Also I've never had a very dark brown layer so black copper Marans.

Everyone seems to love silkies.

This list could go on and on.

I think I'll add more later probably.

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